Pastoral Assignment Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Our Bishop, Most Reverend Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, cares deeply for Corpus Christi, and is taking the appointment of our next pastor and parochial vicar very seriously. Ideally, he would have preferred to have Father Joseph and Father Gustavo’s successors assigned to the Parish by this time to leave no period of vacancy. Due to circumstances out of his control, the Bishop will need to take additional time to identify the replacements of Father Joseph and Father Gustavo.
Please know that during this interim period, the functioning of Corpus Christi will continue as is – a spiritual oasis in the thriving town of Lexington, a place of respite and reflection for 1,757 families and 4,331 members who seek a relationship with God. The Corpus Christi organizational structure is currently designed to carry out its mission, general responsibilities, and specialized ministries in an efficient and productive manner. The Gospel will continue to be proclaimed and celebrated. Believers will continue to be formed and sent to renew the earth.
Until the appointment of our next pastor and parochial vicar, Reverend Filip Wodecki, supply priest of the Diocese of Charleston, will ensure Holy Masses as well as other Sacraments and rituals are celebrated at Corpus Christi, as currently scheduled. The Very Reverend Canon Gary Linsky, VF, VP, will supervise the spiritual welfare of Corpus Christi, making sure the general sacramental and spiritual life of the Parish continues on until a permanent pastor is appointed.
Predominantly, during this time of transition, and always, let us keep going wholeheartedly together. Let us encourage each other. Let us pray for each other. Let us turn to our Blessed Mother for her undeniable protection. God’s people will experience God’s abundant care and faithfulness when we walk in prayerful obedience and faith. To Jesus through Mary, may He continue to protect and richly bless all of you and your families!
Spanish Vigil Masses and Confessions Saturdays at 7:oo PM | Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 PM
During the next months, Reverend Santiago Guzman and Reverend Bruce Barnett have been assigned to Corpus Christi to be the celebrants of the Spanish Vigil Masses on Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. until the appointment of our next pastor and parochial vicar. In addition, they will administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesdays from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
New Building Project Update
We acknowledge that what we have, we hold for a short period of time. We inherited something beautiful due to sacrifices of parishioners and of their forefathers, and hope to pass on something beautiful to those who come after us. And as such, we are committed to a new building project using the feedback and participation of our faithful, and techniques and materials that are consistent with the architecture of Corpus Christi and long lasting into the future.
Following the appointment of our next pastor, with the help of God, we pray and hope to resume the planning process of the new building project. We are committed to having a facility where people will come from our congregation and greater community to pray and experience the beauty of God.
WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED 1 Surveyed the congregation.
2 Met with the leaders of the Parish community on numerous occasions.
3 Assembled the New Building Project committee.
4 Hired JCS Architects for the conceptual drawings.
5 Presented the new building project to diocesan Building & Renovation Advisory Committee (BRAC).
6 Met with Timothy Dockery, Directory of Stewardship & Mission Achievement.
7 Approved the renderings of the conceptual design.
8 Interviewed three consulting fundraising firms: Greater Mission, Guidance in Giving, Cathedral Corporation.
9 Hired the services of the consulting fundraising firm Greater Mission.
10 Approved the capacity analysis service agreement.
WHAT IS NEXT Once the capacity analysis review is completed by Greater Mission, the consulting fundraising firm will run an additional in-depth analysis based on giving data to determine a localized perspective on what our parishioners may be capable of giving to the campaign. This analysis will provide a road map to how this campaign can reach its goal. Tied to a customized gift plan scenario, Greater Mission will be able to provide a logical, data-based road map to plan and execute a successful campaign.
Faith Formation Registration 2024 - 2025 Religious Education
Registration for the upcoming 2024-2025 faith formation year is now open.
We are excited to begin the upcoming year and know what a gift it is to share in your family's faith formation journey. Please click on the link below to register your child(ren). Additionally, there will be in-person registration on Sunday, July 21, and Sunday, August 4, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall for any Spanish- and English-speaking families that need assistance with registration.
A parent meeting will be held for all faith formation programs in the Parish Hall Building on Sunday, August 11, 2024, to provide and explain the schedules and expectations. See below for details.
WHEN Family Catechesis at 9:00 a.m. First Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. Year 1 Confirmation at 10:00 a.m. Edge at 10:30 a.m. Year 2 Confirmation (parent and child) at 6:15 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact Carmen Wilson, Director of Faith Formation, at the Parish Office via telephone at (803) 359-4391 or e-mail at [email protected].
Please consider joining fellow Corpus Christi Parishioners for our next Adult Bible Study Program, Introduction to the Bible, a seven-week study starting on Tuesday, August 27 at 7:30 p.m., or Thursday, August 29 at 9:00 a.m. Registration begins on the weekend of August 10-11 in the vestibule of the Church after all Masses. The program includes topics like exploring and choosing a Bible, cultural and historical significances, and the Word of God in human words. We are confident that everyone will benefit from this study, including those not comfortable reading the Bible as well as people that read the Bible every day.
Saturday Confession Times 3:00 PM - 5:oo PM
Confessions are now held on Saturdays from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. instead of 8:30 a.m.
Confessions are no longer available on Saturdays at 8:30 a.m.
Thomas Jones Retirement
Join us this Sunday, July 14, at noon in the Parish Hall as we congratulate Tom Jones on his retirement from Corpus Christi Catholic Church. Over the last 14 years, Tom has been a tremendous asset to our Parish in many ways. Ever patient and always sensitive to everyone's needs, our parishioners were always in good hands with Tom.
Tom's retirement marks the end of an era here at Corpus Christi. We know we will all come to appreciate him even more as we attempt to fill the void that he will leave. Tom, may you retire knowing that you have made a remarkable contribution to the lives of many colleagues and parishioners. While we are sad to see you leave, we pray and hope all the best for you as you begin this new chapter in your life. May God continue to richly bless you and watch over you.
Valued Volunteers Assistance Ministry
It is our pleasure to communicate to the volunteers of the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry just how much their service has contributed to the Parish and the greater community. By dedicating their time and skills, they continue to be a beacon of light that reflects the profound kindness and compassion that binds our community together - a vivid testimony to God’s love in action.
Their selfless actions resonate with the message of the Bible, reflected particularly in Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Their good deeds truly embody this scripture, and, for that, we are eternally grateful.
Volunteers Ann Yacalavitch, Barbara Kaspar, Dan Powell, Dave Kepler, Diane Humphries, Dolores Aleixo (Director), Donna Farrell, Gary Pontiere, Janice Jordan, Joan Barnhart, JoAnn Karst, Kathy Stevens, Linda Robarge, Lois Walden, Marie Breen, Marlene Carter, Mary Cinquemani, Mike George, Pam Collins, Richard Miranda, Sarah Jones, Sharon Schwanda, Tricia Schmidt, and Wally Zaleski, among others.
In Need of Adorers Wednesdays | 1:00 PM - 12:00 AM Corpus Christi is in need of adorers every Wednesday, particularly during the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to spend an hour in the presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. As with any ministry, there is natural attrition among adorers. We are continually looking for people who would be willing to sign up for an hour or more per week. Our goal is to have at least 6 adorers during the evening hours. Extra coverage is especially helpful when someone is out of town, or unable to keep their committed hour during a given week. Each Holy Hour needs adorers. Consider spending an hour a week with Jesus. All are welcome to worship. If you are interested in committing to an hour, please sign up by clicking the button below.
Thanks to your generosity, during the month of May, Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry was able to provide non-perishable supplies to 76families and 227 individuals, in addition to assisting families with their utility bills in the total amount of $5,775.37. We are truly grateful for all your help!
Your Community Needs You
As the growth of the parish life soars, our operating expenses increase as well. This is why your continued support is urgently needed. We ask you to consider becoming a monthly recurring online giver, and join our treasured community of monthly donors supporting our monthly operating budget. It is safe, secure, and easy. Whether you sign up for a monthly recurring gift of $300 or $3,000, please know the outcome of your monthly donation helps us share the Gospel message in innumerable ways to our families as well as to the greater community. Please click on the button below and become a monthly recurring online giver. We are eternally grateful for your heartfelt support.
COR, a formation and fraternal opportunity for the men of Corpus Christi, continues to meet every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room located in the Modular Building. "COR" means heart and is the root of the word courage. COR exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus through prayer, formation, and fraternity. You are invited as a Catholic man to refocus your attention in strengthening your faith and virtue in a non-threatening learning environment.
Craft Show Parish Hall & Old Church Buildings | October 19 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Make plans to join us for our Corpus Christi Craft Show in the Parish Hall and Old Church buildings on Saturday, October 19, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lady Knights of Columbus, the event promises to be a day of fun and fellowship for all ages. Over 30 vendors have already committed to participate ranging from food establishments to crafters of all types. What a great way to meet parishioners and make new friends!
Ministers of the Mass Schedule | July
All ministers, including lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, ushers, greeters and sacristans, have been scheduled through our web-based program Ministry Scheduler with assignments for the month July. To view the new schedule, please tab the button below.
We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for those in our community who are ill, suffering or in need, in particular for:
Joan DeRhodo, Jonathan Saylor, Kynslee Davis , Amber Smith, Lane Gibson, Alexander Lethbridge, Jesus Martinez, Bernie Winters, Irene Winters, Lisa Salvato, Jasmine Cash, Andrew Ferrell, Pat and Horace Davis, Dan and Cheryll Carter, Jean Jadin, Larry Baugus, Connie Edford, William G. Davis Jr., Jenny Gage, Doris Kowalski.
A time-honored practice of the Christian faithful is to walk with another, to seek God and grow in ability to hear his voice. If you desire to grow your relationship with him, prayerfully consider spiritual direction.
Joan Patrick, a parishioner of Corpus Christi, offers Spiritual Direction at the Parish. There is no charge for this service. To make an appointment, please click the button below.
CRHP Annual Summer Social Parish Hall | July 20 at 6:15 PM
Columbarium and Prayer Garden
A columbarium is a structure with niches, or compartments, for urns containing ashes of the dead. In Latin the word is dovecote, reminiscent of a structure that might house doves or homing pigeons. Traditionally graveyards were adjacent to church buildings, but this practice is less and less practical in crowded communities of today. The Columbarium is a means by which one's remains may be kept in or near his or her parish church as an enduring place of rest.
The Corpus Christi Columbarium has a total of 200 niches. Each niche is designed to hold the cremains of two people.
Niche sales are available at Corpus Christi in our Saint Therese “The Little Flower” and Saint John “The Apostle” units.
The total cost of a niche is $4,800. To learn more about our columbarium, or if you’re interested in purchasing a niche for yourself or for a family member, please contact the Parish Office.
O God, by Whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, send you holy angel to watch over all those inurned in our Columbarium.
Collections June 4 - July 7
It is only with your help that we can achieve our mission to celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples, and bring Christ to people.
July 1 - July 7 $22,548.52
June 24 - June 30 $19,707.31
June 17 - June 23 $16,784.67
June 10 - June 16 $18,155.90
June 3 - June 9 $25,804.34
South Carolina Catholic Men's Conference August 24 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Watch Mass Live
For those who cannot attend Holy Mass because of health concerns, you may worship from home by clicking on "The Holy Mass" button on the homepage of the Corpus Christi website. Utilizing two upgraded cameras for audio and video quality improvement, the Parish will continue to broadcast live the weekend Masses as well as all weekday Masses.
Young Adult Day Carowinds | September 7 at 9:30 AM
The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina
The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina, formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, is the annual effort that puts faith into action by supporting the critical ministries, parishes, and schools of the Diocese of Charleston, which encompasses the entire state of South Carolina. Your generosity to the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina will sustain and bolster the crucial statewide work of our Church, which consists of: 94 parishes, 21 missions, 32 schools, 103 diocesan priests, 195 permanent deacons, 21 campus ministries, 21 youth ministry programs, and 15 Catholic Charities locations. By answering Christ’s call to carry forth His mission and be good stewards, supporters of the Catholic Appeal are lighting the way for our Church to remain ever-present across South Carolina, ensuring hope and support for all who seek it.