Reverend Filip Wodecki, supply priest of the Diocese of Charleston, will return from vacation on Monday, October 7, to ensure Holy Masses as well as other Sacraments and rituals are celebrated up until the appointment of our next pastor.
We want to thank Reverend Thomas Ebong, supply priest of the Diocese, Reverend Cosmus Wambua Mutie, parochial vicar of Our Lady Star of the Sea, and Reverend Raymond Leonard, pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea, for making sure the general sacramental life of Corpus Christi continues on as scheduled until the return of Father Filip.
As to Holy Masses and Confessions in Spanish, Reverend Bruce Barnett and Reverend Santiago Guzman will continue to be assigned to Corpus Christi to celebrate the Spanish Vigil Masses on Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. and administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (bilingual) until the appointment of the next parochial vicar.
Mass Attendance Fiscal Year 2024
Mass attendance is 18.7% higher year-over-year (FY 2023 v. FY 2024), and 9.8% higher quarter-to-quarter (Q1) compared to fiscal year 2023.
Quarterly Attendance
During fiscal year 2024, Mass attendance raised to an average of 1,297 weekend attendees. Mass Attendance
Total Parish Revenue Fiscal Years 2015 - 2024
Total Parish revenue has increased 32.7% over the last two fiscal years, from $1,115,858 in fiscal year 2022 to $1,359,348 in 2023 and $1,480.823 in 2024. Total Revenue
The offertory accounted for 63.4% of the total revenue of the Parish during fiscal year 2024. The offertory increased 10.0% compared to 2023, totaling $938,274.
Offertory Fiscal Year 2024: $938,274 Fiscal Year 2023: $853,489 Fiscal Year 2022: $817,391
10-Year Moving Average Mass Attendance v. Revenue
10-Year Moving Average Mass Attendance v. Revenue
Net Income Calendar Year 2020 - 2024
Total Revenue
Total Expenditure
Net Income
Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2025
During the months of April, May and June, we met with administrators and staff members, Parish leaders, and the finance council to establish and direct a sound budgeting process focused on three (3) areas: revenue, operating expenditure, and capital expenditure. A detailed budget strategy was developed by (i) reviewing current goals, objectives and needs of the Parish; (ii) revising local economic forecasts; (iii) identifying projections and submitting estimates with projects and strategies (existing and new) that each department will undertake and introduce during fiscal year 2025; and (iv) itemizing estimates of resources (other than taxes) and of all expenditures required by department.
Below please find the FY2025 operating budget of Corpus Christi Catholic Church.
To view the detailed monthly budget for fiscal year 2025, please click on the image below.
Mass of Remembrance Saturday, October 5 | 10:00 AM
You are invited to attend Corpus Christi 6th Annual Mass of Remembrance on Saturday, October 5, at 10:00 a.m.
One of the deepest pains a parent can experience is the tragic loss of a child. Whatever the reason may be - a miscarriage, induction, being stillborn, an abortion or any early childhood death - we are left with the difficulty of trying to understand the reason why. In addition to the parents, this is also shared by the rest of the family and close friends alike.
For those who have experienced the loss of a child, it is a means to help in the healing process, and for others it is a chance to show both physical and spiritual support. There will be a Holy Rosary service following the Mass and a reception in the Parish Hall building immediately after.
Life Chain Sunday, October 6 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Are you willing to be a visible witness against the killing of unborn children? If so, please join our Annual Life Chain along with thousands nationwide to prayerfully stand before God and on behalf of the unborn children on Sunday, October 6, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Life Chain is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life Americans standing in remembrance of over 65 millions lives lost to abortion in the USA since Roe v. Wade - praying for our nation, for people in crisis situations, and for an end to abortion.
Our Life Chain will form in front of the Parish campus extending along Augusta Highway. Please arrive by 1:45 p.m. to receive instructions. Signs will be available.
Prayer Service for Our Nation Sunday, October 6 | 3:00 PM
Monday, October 7th is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which commemorates the Battle of Leponto in 1591. Pope Pius V asked the Christian faithful to pray the Rosary and seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother to defeat the Muslim navy. We call again on Mary to give grace to the citizens of this land so that they will choose leaders according to the Sacred Heart of her Son, that His glory may be made manifest.
Join us on Sunday, October 6th in the church, at 3:00 PM (following our Life Chain event). Bring your families and neighbors as we pray the rosary together! We are also inviting you to pray a novena in preparation for this event and the upcoming election.
Regnum Christi Men's Sojourners October 6 - November 4
Join us for a 5-week online program, where we will be walking with others and experiencing Regnum Christi's way of growing with Christ. There will be an introductory meeting on Monday, October 7, at 7:00PM. For more information, please contact Tom Buser: (904) 524-0569 or [email protected].
To register for our Men’s Sojourner Program, please click on the button below.
Ministry Fair Sunday, October 13 | 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Blood Drive Sunday, October 13 | 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
The Blood Connection invite you to sign up for the Blood Drive taking place at Corpus Christi on Sunday, October 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All guidelines and norms will be implemented to protect the health of our community. Please click on the button below to sign-up for your blood donation.
Corpus Christi is extremely grateful for all your generous offerings to the Parish. It is only with your help that we can achieve our mission to celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples, and bring Christ to people.
Craft Show Saturday, October 19 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The Infancy Narratives of Jesus Christ Bible Study Starting on October 22
Please join our Bible Study group for a 4-week study, The Infancy Narratives, where we will study the birth story of Jesus Christ as told in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Using Catholic resources, you will read on your own and then meet with fellow parishioners to discuss and learn from each other.
Registration will be the weekend of our Ministry Fair, October 12-13, and the following weekend of October 19-20. The cost is $15.00. Classes will begin on Tuesday, October 22, from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. or Thursday, October 24 , from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. For more information, please contact Janice Jordan at (803) 920-6740 / [email protected] or Sharon Swain at (573) 465-2403 / [email protected].
Theology on Tap Tuesday, October 15 | 7:00 PM
Corpus Christi Young Adults ages 18 to 35 (21+ to drink alcohol) are invited to the Diocese's Theology on Tap series at Bierkeller Brewing Company in Columbia. Join us at 7:00 p.m. as we discuss faith, share some fellowship, and order a drink if you like! We hope to see you there.
2024 - 2025 Faith Formation Programs and Schedules
The 2024-2025 Faith Formation season has started at Corpus Christi. We have an amazing set of catechists walking with our children and families on their faith journeys. The Faith Formation programs include:
Family Formation Children (grades K-5) and parents meet on campus once a month from September to May followed by family lessons at home with the opportunity to come on campus once a month to participate in family lessons as a community. Family Formation also has community events planned throughout the year. We have 119 families with 159 children participating.
Reconciliation/First Holy Communion Sacramental Prep Children have a combination of on-campus and home lessons focusing the first half of the year on Reconciliation and the second half of the year on First Holy Communion. We have 49 children receiving their First Holy Communion on May 10, 2025.
Edge Children (grades 6-7) meet weekly to build friendships, learn about their faith and experience Christi in a Catholic youth ministry middle school setting. We have 57 children participating.
Year 1 Confirmation Confirmation is a 2-year program. Year 1 provides the building blocks to continue to develop friendships and prepare our teens to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation the following year. Lessons are a combination of workbook, guides for parents and sponsors, and videos filmed all over the world featuring top youth experts in the Church. We have 36 children participating.
Year 2 Confirmation Continued development of our teens to become disciples of Jesus Christ by catechizing them and challenging them to embrace a life in Christ. Teens participate in a life-changing retreat prior to Confirmation. We have 36 teens receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on February 15, 2025.
Life Teen Children (grades 9-12) meet weekly to deepen their relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church. The program's curriculum and activities are designed to meet teens where they are at, and to challenge them to live out their faith in their daily lives while being centered around the Eucharist. We have over 40 high schoolers participating.
RCIT Children (grades 6-12) needing to receive Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and/or Confirmation. Classes meet weekly to prepare for the sacraments and to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christi. We have 17 children preparing to receive these sacraments during the Easter Vigil on April 19, 2025.
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Formerly known as Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. These are classes that prepare adults to become members of the Catholic Church by walking their spiritual journey studying the Gospel, professing faith in Jesus, and receiving their sacraments. We have 15 English and 6 Hispanic adults preparing to be welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.
All ministers of the Mass, including lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, ushers, greeters and sacristans, have been scheduled through our web-based program Ministry Scheduler with new assignments for the months of October, November and December. To view the new schedule, please tab on the button below.
Our food pantry is low, and we need your help! We need non-perishable food items, including canned foods, beans and rice, pasta and sauce, canned meats, peanut butter and jelly, and cereal. We also have a need for laundry and dish detergent and toilet paper. Items can be dropped off at the Ministry office in the Old Church Building on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., or anytime into the drop box next to the building. We thank you for your generosity.
Faith in Action Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest
The Knights of Columbus Essay Contest encourages our youth to be more connected to our community and our faith. The goal of this contest program is to encourage young Catholics in grades 8 to 12 (public, private, parochial or home schools during the current school year) to be more connected in their community and their faith. The essay should be 500-750 words on the following topic:
What are the two most important virtues for an elected leader to possess, and why? How can you determine if the leader has these virtues?
If your child wishes to enter the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, please click on the button below. Entrants will be judged on grammar, style, and how clearly they present the theme in a way that showcases creativity, imagination and overall development of the topic.
Solemnity of All Saints Day Holy Mass | Saturday, November 1, at 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM
On the Solemnity of All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation, Corpus Christi will celebrate Holy Mass on Friday, November 1, at 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
The Mass on All Saints Day is a joyful celebration. We thank God for the saints and ask for their help. It is a time of hope and joy. Celebrating All Saints Day strengthens our faith. It helps us remember that we are never alone.
Let us pray for the intercession of all the saints as we strive to imitate them in our own lives. All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us!
Trunk or Treat Saturday, November 2 | 2:00 - 5:00 PM
All Souls Day Mass Saturday, November 2, at 8:30 AM
Reverend Bruce Barnett and Reverend Santiago Guzman are assigned to Corpus Christi to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in English and Spanish. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish office.
OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Formerly known as Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you someone or do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic, or was baptized but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation? If so, OCIA (the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is always ready to accept those inquiring into becoming fully initiated Catholic Christians. The OCIA process is comprised of four phases - with each phase focused on coming to know the Lord more deeply. The person seeking to join the Church is introduced to beliefs, life, liturgy and ministry in the Catholic community. For more information, please click the bottom below.
The souls in Purgatory, faithful Catholics like us, can no longer help themselves get to Heaven we can. They need our help. As we approach the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, on November 2, Father Joseph is asking the congregation to do with him three things: (i) pray and make sacrifices for the dead by visiting the Columbarium each day from November 1 through November 8; (ii) submit your intentions for our Novena of Masses by completing and returning the Remembrance envelope (sent via mail last week) with names listed; and (iii) contribute to the support of the priests in the Holy Land - who will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Poor Souls in one of the Shrines in Israel - by submitting names and stipend for each person to the Parish Office to be forwarded accordingly (minimum offering of $10 per name or married couples).
A plenary indulgence, applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, is granted when one devoutly visits a cemetery, such as the Parish Columbarium, and prays for the faithful departed. A plenary indulgence is bestowed for this prescribed work each day between November 1 and November 8 - if you are Catholic, not excommunicated and in schism, and you follow the prescribed conditions listed below. The plenary indulgences are applied to departed souls to bring the necessary restoration and reparation without further sufferings that would normally accompany it. The prescribed CONDITIONS: (i) Be in a good relationship with God, free from mortal sin, and an interior disposition of complete detachment from any sin, venial or mortal, at the time each indulgenced work is completed; (ii) Sacramental Confession within 20 days before or after the indulgenced work. One (1) Confession suffices for several plenary indulgences; (iii) Receive Holy Communion for EACH plenary indulgence. The condition must be satisfied within 20 days before or after each indulgenced work; (iv) Pray for the intentions of the Pope on the same day the indulgenced work is performed. Prayer is left to the choice of the faithful, but an OUR FATHER and a HAIL MARY are suggested.