It’s been quite a year and we would like to let you know of the amazing accomplishments we have been able to achieve thanks to your consistent and overwhelming generosity.
On behalf of our director, Dolores Aleixo, and our 15 volunteers, we thank you for making the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry not only possible, but a thriving success!
In 2022, 685 people came to us seeking food for themselves and their family members. In total we provided food for 2,192 people. These numbers reflect an increase in both individuals coming to pick up food (444) and the total amount of people we fed (1,457) in 2021. Since May, when we started keeping weight records, we have distributed 20,322 pounds of food! All our food is provided to us by your unending kindness, mercy and generosity. Additionally, we paid utilities or rent for 273 people. Of these, 155 payments went to Dominion Electric, while 61 went to Mid-Carolina Electric Co-Op, and the remaining 57 payments went to water companies or landlords for rent.
Truly, you have taken Jesus’ words from Matthew 25:40 to heart when He says, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Your Assistance Ministry is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Food distribution volunteers work each day while the office volunteers work on Tuesday and Thursdays. They help clients that call or email seeking assistance with utilities bills, specifically electric and water, as well as overdue rent payments. We have very specific areas that we help monetarily, and each family has a lifetime maximum of $250.00.
Our volunteers know the positive impact our Ministry has on all those that receive food or financial support from us. Time and time again we hear how grateful and appreciative they are, especially those that find themselves in need for the first time. Tears have been shed on many occasions. We have even created a list with the name and address of other food pantries in the area to give to our recipients. In May we purchased a street sign to display on Augusta Highway on the days we are open for food distribution, helping increase our outreach to those that need us.
Just as Father Joseph tells us to share God’s light with others, please share our Assistance Ministry with others. It is through this sharing that the Harbour Watch Neighborhood’s Women’s Bible Study made our ministry the beneficiaries of their 6th Annual Holiday Food Drive.
We wholeheartedly extend our deepest appreciation for your continued prayers, support and generosity. May our Heavenly Father continue to richly bless and fill your lives with His peace.
Director Dolores M. Aleixo
Volunteers Ann Yacalavitch Bobbie Hrytsay Carol Newell Donna Farrell Gary Pontiere Janice Jordan Joan Barnhart JoAnn Karst Linda Robarge Lois Walden Marie Breem Marlene Carter Mary Cinquemani Pam Collins Sarah Jones Tricia Scmidt Wally Zaleski