Assistance Ministry
The Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry is dedicated to embodying compassion and support for our church family, neighbors, and the greater community. We provide essential food and financial aid, ensuring that those in need receive the assistance they deserve. Rooted in generosity and service, we inspire hope and uplift individuals, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and cared for. Through the unwavering commitment of our volunteers and the generous contributions of our supporters, we aim to alleviate suffering and foster a spirit of community resilience, reflecting the teachings of Christ in our actions. Together, we are creating a world where compassion thrives and all individuals have the opportunity to flourish.
What We Do
Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry reaches out to our church family, neighbors and greater community with food and financial assistance for utilities and other needs.
The vision of the Ministry is to inspire our community to generosity as we provide help and hope to people struggling with limited financial resources.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all parishioners that continue to support the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry. During the month of July 2024, we were able to provide non-perishable supplies 273 individuals, 2,579 pounds of food supplies provided in addition to providing help to 26 cases of utility assistance-many of these prevented cut offs during the hot days of summer. We are truly grateful for all the help of our generous parishioners for helping to make this possible!
The Assistance Ministry is located in the old church building. Volunteers assist clients with the process of applying for financial help and with the distribution of groceries. Ministry volunteers are always welcome and encouraged to work in our office one day per week or to assist in keeping the food pantry organized and up-to-date.
The Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry is not a subordinate organization, but an affiliated Parish organization of Corpus Christi Parish. Corpus Christi is a subordinate organization of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston as a non-profit organization; no part of the net earnings thereof inures to the benefit of any individual.
The Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry is in need of your generous donations to our pantry. The Ministry is always in need of non-perishable shelf-stable supplies.
A Note From The Director
The Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry provides emergency assistance to residents of Lexington County. We help pay electric, water and rent. We also have a small food pantry. Our food pantry is desperately low and we need your help. We need nonperishable food items, including canned foods, beans and rice, pasta and sauce, canned meats, peanut butter and jelly, and cereal. We also have a need for laundry and dish detergent and toilet paper. Items can be dropped off at the ministry office in the old church Tues-Fri from 9-11 or anytime into the drop box next to the building. We can always use monetary donations. Envelopes are available in the vestibule. Makes checks payable to Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry. We also accept cash.
Ministry Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
Contact Information
[email protected]
Dolores Aleixo