As society moves forward with the reopening of public spaces, we must ensure that the Diocese of Charleston does all that it can to provide for your spiritual needs and welcome you home. Our primary goal is to approach the lifted restrictions with great care, keeping the safety of all our parishioners and our clergy at the forefront of our decision-making.
On Thursday, after conferring with the College of Consultors (the priests who advise me on many important matters), I decided to resume the sacraments with in-person daily Mass beginning on Monday, May 11. Our first Vigil/Sunday Masses will be held the weekend of May 16.
We want to have the freedom to participate in Mass together in a peaceful manner, but also in good health, so your pastor/administrator will spend the next several days developing a plan on how your parish will operate in the current climate and under the restrictions we have set forth. These restrictions have been developed based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, plus mandates from state government and recommendations from those dioceses that have already resumed Masses. Your pastor/administrator will communicate the specifics of his plan for your parish no later than May 10.
Although we will do all we can to provide a safe environment, the risk of contracting COVID-19 will still exist. Therefore, I am still granting dispensation to those who are uncomfortable attending weekend Mass and those who are high risk until further notice.
We are all hungry to receive the sacraments once again. This time away from the Eucharist has been painful. And, for so many, that struggle has been compounded by the loss of income and freedom for our families. These new guidelines may be challenging, so I ask everyone to do their very best to adjust to the new normal together as one family in faith.
May God continue to bless each of you in this season of the Resurrected Lord.
Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston