WHY? Corpus Christi is badly in need of one, centered, cloud-based database that manages all of the relationships and interactions with and between the staff and members.
GOAL At its core, a CRM software will create a simple user interface for a collection of data that will help us recognize and communicate with members in a scalable way.
OBJECTIVES To equip the staff to do our job efficiently, know more about our congregation, accept all kinds of contributions, and run insightful reports.
To engage the entire church body on a whole new level.
To gain true insight into actual involvement, personal growth & parish health.
Decrease the number of emotional reactions by the staff, including:
1 To give people the tools to build meaningful relationships
A Increase Group Participation Anyone in Corpus Christi can search for and join a group. They can also post messages to the group, check its meeting schedule, and sign up to bring listed items.
B Organize People Into Groups The staff can define our ministry areas and then create small groups, build teams, and assign leaders that fit under the oversight of specific ministries.
C Simple Setup and Oversight Realm makes it easy to create groups that meet specific ministry objectives and assign group responsibilities to the appropriate people.
D Give Leaders Tools to Lead Create groups with discussions, meetings, rosters, and resources, then delegate group management to the people best suited to keep everything up to date.
E Help People Find Connections Anyone in our Parish can use Realm’s group search capabilities to find a group that fits their interest, needs, or ministry affinity, and get involved.
F See Who's Connected Attendance dashboards provide immediate insight into attendance patterns. Pivot on date ranges, campuses, ministry areas, demographic attributes, and much more.
MODULES Small Group Management To develop great leaders, Realm provides group leaders with the right tools to manage their group roster, communicate, schedule events, and share photos or files.
2 To engage people before, during & long after they walked through the door
A Oversee Check-in System The staff can centrally manage individual check-in kiosks, assist with checking people in, run attendance reports, and view attendance activity in real-time.
B Track Group Events Group leaders can mark attendance during or after a meeting. Members can check their kids in, verify allergy information, or add special instructions on the fly.
C Eliminate the Line Optimized for accuracy and speed, such as parents using a simple touch-screen to indicate which children they are checking in.
D Create a Welcoming Environment Customizable check-in kiosks make a great first impression and help us set a tone of trust and security with Realm's quick, seamless check-in.
E Automatic Attendance Tracking There is no need mark attendance when the check-in system does it for us, reducing manual tasks while increasing accuracy and giving the staff powerful insights that help us care for families.
F Staff-Managed Registration The staff can register people for events and track relevant attendee information. We can also produce lists of people to communicate before or after events.
MODULES Communications To bring people together and give them the opportunity to connect throughout the week, request a sacrament, share prayers with their groups, see what is happening, update family info, and RSVP to group or special events.
A A Variety of Options Realm provides the staff the tools we need to communicate more efficiently, from posting announcements to leaving messages on group walls.
B Broadcast Important Messages A unified database and multi-dimensional notifications give us the power to send instant communication to the whole Parish.
C Target Specific Message When we need to get a message to a single group of people, Realm lets the staff do that effortlessly, while enabling group members to communicate with ease.
D Facilitate Getting In Touch Similar to an online directory, the Parish body can look up available contact information for their friends and post messages for their groups.
E Self-Managed Contact Info Everyone in the Parish can create and manage their own personal and family profile, delivering a church directory that is NEVER out of print.
F Always In Control Give everyone the ability to determine who can see which information. Plus, Realm gives people personal control of their own notification preferences.
MODULES Connect Mobile App The Connect mobile app gives the Parish power to reach the congregation of Corpus Christi no matter where they are. They can interact with each other through messages, see group and churchwide posts, and view and register for events all while living their daily lives.
4 To know more about our members than just their faces or names
A Easily update profile information Realm makes it easy to add and update information, and sometimes, all we need to do is review changes that someone made for us.
B Connect every face and every name Inspire people to connect in "real life" by making it easy for them to browse an online photo directory of people within the Parish.
C Keep family information together Keep families and their information together, associating profiles and making it easy for households to manage their profiles together.
D Track what’s most important to the staff Create up to 75 custom profile fields to match the unique data needs of Corpus Christi, and then let others help the staff maintain the information for themselves.
E Keep confidential information secure Assign different roles to different staff and leaders of the Parish as a way to give appropriate access to people without compromising any of our private information.
F One unified Parish database Import profile data from all our systems to unlock the power of a single, unified database of every individual, family, or business connected to Corpus Christi.
G Data that reflects real life Enable the people to manage their own profile information and then use automatic data validation to keep our data clean.
H Private staff notes Keep the staff on the same page. Share profile notes as we cultivate and document relationships with the people in Corpus Christi.
I Lookup someone quickly Looking up people and groups has never been easier. Simply start typing and results will immediately start displaying.
MODULES Shepherd Mobile App Realm Shepherd is a mobile app built specifically for the pastor and his staff, allowing access to congregant information such as personal info, family members, discipleship tracks, pastoral notes, and more.
Profiles To help put names to faces, everyone in the Parish can create and manage their own personal and family profiles, including their own privacy settings so they know who can see what information.
5 To fuel Parish goals with the resources our office and ministries need
A The ability to give freely Give donors a wide array of giving options, from speedy simplicity of text based giving to full management of payment methods, donation scheduling, and recurrences on mobile devices or the web.
B Efficiency that multiplies Similar to OSV, it will give us the ability to quickly record, manage, and track contributions via automatic posting of online gifts, rapid entry of cash/check donations, or importing from other systems.
C Deep insights at a glance We do not always have time to dig deep into the data, so Realm serves up meaningful, actionable insights through our own personal giving dashboard.
D Back commitments with follow-through The staff can enter and manage donor pledges, or give donors the ability to create and maintain their own contribution pledges, including pledging to multiple campaigns or funds, start and end dates, and more.
E Use the past to build the future Full giving histories are available to us, providing a wealth of information to deliver insights and shape the Parish and our ministries. Plus, donors can access their giving history and statements online any time.
F Manage Parish funds easily Direct contributions into established operational and ministry funds so we can be good stewards of donations and how people want to apply their support to the Parish and others.
MODULES Dashboards Realm’s dashboards will help us get a sense of Corpus Christi health – from member involvement to attendance to overall giving trends – so we will always know how to better shepherd our congregation.
A Get something out of what we put in Realm provides the data points that matter and gives us flexibility to discover the insights that will impact our Parish and ministries.
B Grow and develop people in the Parish Keep track of where people are on their spiritual journey. Simply provide opportunities for growth and follow up with them accordingly.
C Stay ahead of where we are headed Know where we're headed before you get there by observing involvement trends on our dashboard and see what's working and what's not.
D Easily share discoveries with the staff When we generate a custom report, we can save it and share it with anybody on the staff. When s/he signs in, s/he will see the new report.
E Create lists of people from any report Not only can we run reports to gain insights into specific segments of the Parish, we can extract those segments for email or mailing lists.
F Shortcut reporting with flexible templates Realm includes multiple templates based on commonly used church reports. We just apply one of the templates and adjust it as we see fit.
MODULES Pathways To nurture spiritual growth, Realm’s Pathways will help us (i) step someone through a discipleship program, (ii) involve staff for follow-ups, and (iii) see where people are in the process.