REVISED GUIDELINES The guidelines listed below are most effective when we work together and are all on the same page. Your attentiveness to these measures will help everyone in the community feel more comfortable and peaceful when returning to church.
CAPACITY Families must be spaced at least six feet apart, and no more than 50% of the capacity of the church building may assemble at any one Mass. At Corpus Christi, this means that a maximum of 150 parishioners can be accommodated at any one Mass.
FACE MASKS Please come to Mass with a face mask. No person can be admitted without a face mask. If yours broke, the Parish has disposable masks.
ARRIVE EARLY Come to Mass fifteen to thirty minutes early. As you line up to enter the church, maintain a distance of six feet from other families at all times. Do not shake hands. Doors will be closed approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the commencement of Mass.
TEMPERATURE CHECK Everyone will be greeted by an usher at the door of the church building, and will get their temperature taken. Acceptable temperature: under 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
ESCORTED BY USHERS An usher will escort and seat every family party, filling every other pew from the front to the back of the building. Everyone needs to stay in the seat you are assigned. No moving around will be allowed. Remember that physical distancing is for your protection and for the protection of others.
CRY ROOM The cry room will be closed at all times. The room will be inaccessible.
CHURCH DOORS The doors of the Church will be locked approximately 10 minutes prior to the commencement of Mass. During this time of pandemic, it would endanger others if any individual tries to come in after Mass begins.
RESTROOMS Because movement is problematic, please use the restroom only if absolutely necessary. If you get up, everyone in the pew will need to stand up and file out to accommodate you.
HANDS Do not hold hands during the Our Father or at any other time during Mass. The Parish will not be returning to this practice even when “normalcy” returns.
HOLY COMMUNION Everyone must stay in the pews until each family receives direction from the usher, who will direct each family to a communion line - either to the center aisle, right side aisle, or left side aisle. EVERYONE must walk up in the communion line. No person may remain seated in the pews. If an adult or child is not receiving communion, they still need to come forward with the family - adults with their arms crossed over their chest, and the children holding the hands of their parents at all times. There will be no blessing. The floors of all three aisles are marked with blue tape to ensure six feet of separation. On the way back to the pew, everyone must maintain spacing. IMPORTANT: If you decide to receive communion in the mouth, you must wait after the conclusion of the Mass to receive the Sacrament in the vestibule area. Details of how this will take place will be communicated soon.
OFFERTORY Baskets will be placed in the vestibule area for parishioners to drop in their weekly offertory envelopes. We thank you in advance for your generosity!
DISMISSAL Parishioners will be dismissed at the end of Mass, escorted by ushers pew by pew, starting in the back. Everyone must leave quickly and return to their respective vehicles. As much as we would like to, the upcoming public Masses are not to gather and catch-up with friends.