Comment: Rain Video / Cathy- Thank you, for this beautiful bible study gift! Rob’s conversational sharing drew me in immediately and his way of reframing, in the walk in the rain with his child, our experience of fear and doubt along side of God’s desire to hold us close and give us the blessed assurance of His love and presence in it, is a positive and powerful metaphor for me as we adjust to the life changes we face right now. Thank you very much. I look forward to each day’s meditation!
Comment: Rain Video / Mary - Just watched rain it was soooo beautiful love Rob Bell and is simple but awe inspiring words !!! Ty and God Bless
Comment: Rain Video / Donna -This video was wonderful. It made me cry to think someone could love me that much
Comment: Trees Video / Annemarie - I like the analogy of us living between the trees (of Genesis & Revelations) but agree that there's more to life than just using our faith as a ticket to a better place / heaven. When he talked about the seeds to plant trees, it really reminded me that we're to plant seeds of faith where ever we go and to share are faith with whoever we meet. Other Christians/disciples will be doing the same thing. Then the Holy Spirit will cultivate those seeds and bring people to Jesus. That would be Utopia, if everyone believed in Jesus and loved their neighbors. There would be peace on earth and we would be living in Paradise while were living between the trees.
Comment: Trees Video / Kathy - Good morning, re: Video 3, “Trees” there are many lessons to be taken. I loved the image of the trees, in stark contrast with the city/industrial setting. And the act of planting of those beautiful trees along the road. Some people find God most easily in nature. I think nature (if only 2 trees) reflects God’s beauty and God’s great love for us! St Ignatius of Loyola believed God can be found in all things! For me the trees in this video represent a gift of peace that was given to a “dry and empty place” . Just as God sends peace to us during periods of dryness and isolation like now. I’m reminded how I have in the past thought of God whenever I saw a beautiful Oak tree. May we give a sense of peace to others, serving God’s people as best we can. It is so needed right now. Psalm 96...”Let all of the trees of the forest shout for joy!”
Comment: Trees Video / Donna - Jesus said whatever you do for the least of my brethren you do unto me. Don't boast about it for then you've received your reward on earth.
Comment: Kickball Video / Kathy - When we ask God for anything we may not get the answers we hope for. He always answers us. We must trust that God, like our parents, wants what's best for us but in His time not ours. He loves us and will do what's best for us
Comment: Trees Video / Cathy - Some of my thoughts about Trees. For me this film represented a stark contrast between a life without Jesus and one that is Christ centered. The cityscape is barren, stark, devoid of life. Looking at it causes me to wonder about the profound sense of isolation one must feel when they have no sense of hope. For believers Christ is that hope. The promise that our life “between the trees” is a journey on which we are to spread the seeds of hope Christ gives each and every one of us through this precious gift of faith. The beauty of the new life Christ obtained for us by His selfless sacrifice is visible in the two trees. Through Him we have been reborn and our purpose here “between the trees” is to continue to spread near and far through our words and deeds His message of faith and renewal.
Comment: Noise Video / When do you talk to God? - Cathy - We often talk at our bible study table about learning how to be quiet so we can hear what God is trying to tell us. How as humans “busyness” seems to rule our lives. We are uncomfortable with silence. There is a hymn we used to sing that went in part: Touch me now in the silence of faith speak Lord I love to listen to your voice, speak Lord here I am. He speaks to us in a strangers smile, a gentle breeze upon our face, a beautiful sunrise as a new day begins beckoning is to draw closer, we must learn to be quiet and listen in the silence of faith.
Question: When do you talk to God?
Multiple Choices:
A-Walking in the woods?
B-Quietly listening to a spiritual recording?
C- Adoration?
D-Quietly praying alone?
E-When you receive the Body of Christ?
Answer: All the choices are correct. God is available all the time (John 16: 23-27)
Comment: Kickball Video / Kathy - When we ask God for anything we may not get the answers we hope for. He always answers us. We must trust that God, like our parents, wants what's best for us but in His time not ours. He loves us and will do what's best for us.
Comments: When do you talk to God? / Cathy - I speak with God in all those situations but the most meaningful, profound encounter I have with Him is after receiving Him in Holy Eucharist. When Father Kevin did his mission about the Eucharist and what it represented he said it was like a hug or embrace. His physical presence enters my very being and I feel a profound sense of peace that is almost inexplicable. Even though I know He is speaking to me during the Liturgy of the Word with a specific message He wants me to hear, it is that intimate reception of Him that really lets me feel the depth of His love for me. It is a time for me to thank Him for all the blessings He bestows on me and to ask for His continued Grace and Blessings. What a GIFT He has given us!
Comments: Noise Video / When do you talk to God? / Maryann - I checked all of those multiple choices. Sometimes I think God wishes I would be quiet just as my husband would sometimes request. I did learn when my girls were babies being quiet is absolutely necessary. When you are quiet you slow down, relax & you allow yourself to hear His still, small voice. I have also learned there is nothing too big, or too small to bring to God. He wants to share it all with you.
Comments: Noise Video / When do you talk to God? / Donna – I feel closest to God whenever I'm in church. It's quite and I can feel his presence all around me. It's so comforting. Each night I got to my bedroom, away from everything, and try to focus just on Him. He wants all of us when we are talking to Him.
Comments: Kickball Video / Cathy - Garth Brooks had a song Unanswered Prayers where he says some of God’s greatest gifts are I answered prayers. Sometimes it’s difficult to get past what it is you want and can’t appreciate that God knows better what you need. In His goodness He provides what is perfect for us. The hard part is our limited ability to fully comprehend that when we are in the midst of some situation where we are asking for something and we think God isn’t listening, isn’t answering. Just as our earthly parents offered guidance and discipline our Heavenly Father does the same but on a much more profound and intimate level. After all He created us and wants to have a deep personal relationship with us. Unanswered prayers—maybe they are “some of God’s greatest gifts.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy - This is the second time I have had the opportunity to view Luggage. Both times the abruptness of the ending was unsettling.
Forgiveness is definitely not easy at times but this video reminded me of how easily God forgives us when we express our sorrow for our transgressions. Jesus encourages us to bring our “burdens” to Him and reassures us He will relieve them. Carrying around resentment for past wrongs is definitely a burden as it eats away and consumes with anger. The Bible tells us we must forgive 7 times 70 and let’s face it we have all done things that have required forgiveness from others. Father Ray used to say the person you are forgiving may never know you have forgiven them but you will and God will. In the end God will sort it all out.
Comment: Luggage Video / Don - I think the point that really hit me was: If we cannot forgive others, what would happen if God said he would not forgive us. Really makes me think how important it is for us to "get rid of the baggage" and try to follow God' example of forgiveness.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy – Forgiving others isn't always easy but it's necessary. In order to love our neighbors (as God commands), we have to will the good of others (even though that's pretty tough sometimes and may take us several tries to get to that point). I'm thankful for God's endless mercy and try hard to remember that when other's have hurt me.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy - Yes we all have baggage and we all need to unload that baggage and forgive in God’s way. Perfect description of how we seek revenge in seemingly subtitle ways. I’ll have to admit the lesson is timeless. He acknowledges we all live with wounds that need to be tended but in the right way. I don’t want to spoil the ending of this video. It certainly ends with an unexpected bump. Surprise, oh my!
Comment: Luggage Video / Donna - I like the concept of carrying luggage to describe our baggage from the past that we're still holding onto. It took me over 50 years to forgive a family member from my childhood. I finally realized I was asking God to forgive me but I could not forgive. When I finally did I felt a big weight lift from me. We must forget so God can forgive us.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy –I am watching the videos daily and really enjoy each one. The one “luggage” seemed most somber to me because of the way it ended. My first reaction was “bummer, that’s really sad.” But then, God really asks us to rise above our wounds and Rob’s message seemed to be “please forgive before time runs out for you.
Comment: Luggage Video / Greg - I have watched each of the videos to date, and have appreciated the opportunities they provide for continued reflection and spiritual growth. The video entitled "Luggage" was, I thought, particularly good and very timely, coming just a few weeks after our celebration of Christ's passion, death and resurrection, and Divine Mercy Sunday. While watching "Luggage", I was reminded of the response from members of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston after the mass shooting there a few years ago. Rather than crying out for vengeance as so many do, they were determined to forgive, offering an inspiring example of Christian love to all of us. Also relevant is one of Henri Nouwen's daily devotional messages, in which he talks about the heavy burden imposed by judging others, and the inner freedom resulting from letting go of a judgmental mindset.
Comment: Noise Video / Cathy - Well, I need more alphabets to choose from. I am a Chatty Cathy with God and I sometimes wonder if He needs a break. My heart and mind turn to Him in an ongoing dialogue all day and some nights. I too often do a lot of the talking! I hear His voice in many different ways that make me aware of how close He is and how much I am loved. Often a question is immediately answered by a thought, a song lyric, a page turned in my Bible or a book, a vista, a friend’s visit or telephone call. His creativity is delightful! But our really intimate moments occur in the Mass, after Communion, during Adoration or just sitting watching a sunrise/sunset on my patio. I am never alone or lonely. I am so blessed!
Thank You, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit for teaching me Your Love language and always hearing my call ~Amen
Comment: Dust Video / Annemarie - Well, that was an education on being a disciple. I have to say, I guess I never thought about how you would become a disciple (prior to Jesus calling his disciples). I also never realized why Peter started sinking when he walked on water (assuming Rob's theory is true). The video reminded me of 2 things: Jesus doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called and that Jesus didn't come for the healthy but to heal the sick.
Comment: Dust Video / Donna - God isn't looking for the best of the best. He wants each one of us to have faith in ourselves that we can go out and be disciples for Him. We do this thru our actions and by professing our faith. God accepts and loves everybody.
Comment: Dust Video / Ed - I enjoyed the historical look at this slice of life at the time of Jesus. His point is well taken.
Comment: Dust Video / Don - I enjoyed the lesson on becoming a rabbi (disciple) in Jewish history. Then Jesus chooses regular folks to become his disciples. I imagine this was frowned upon and questioned by the powers that be at that time, which added difficulty to Jesus' mission to convert the Jews. I like Annemarie's thought: "Jesus doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."
Comment: Dust Video / Kathy - I really liked how we can be like Jesus as his disciples, especially in imitating his kindness and generosity to others. My father was a wonderful secret doer of good deeds, he was always helping someone who was elderly, alone, sick, down on their luck or just needed help with something, but he never said much about what he did. He just liked helping people. I’d like to be like Jesus in that way too, and I guess there are many ministries in the church that give us opportunities to help others. So we can get that dust on us like his disciples.
Comment: Dust Video / Kathy - The explanation in Dust about how rabbis chose the ones who were deemed the best of the best and asked to follow them and become their students was quite informative. That those who followed behind the rabbi would say they wished to be covered by their rabbi’s dust. Jesus called the apostles to “follow Him”. They had no advanced knowledge of scripture. They were just ordinary people doing ordinary jobs. They were fishermen. Yet Jesus chose them to follow Him, learn from Him and they would be the ones to bring His good news “to the ends of the earth”. What a powerful message! He chose each and every one of us to do the same. The Holy Spirit enlightens and informs us as we continue our journey home to Him. Giving each of us what we need to bring Christ to others in whatever way we can.
Comment: Bullhorn Video / Kathy - We often discuss in bible study about the difference in tone between the Old and New Testament. Fire and brimstone in the old gentleness and love in the new. In the video Bullhorn Rob speaks about God being of God of love. He is not a vengeful God looking to punish but a loving, compassionate God wanting what is best for us. Jesus told the disciples there were two commandments. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. What an amazing world this would be if everyone lived by those commandments. If we all loved our neighbors as ourselves hatred and division would disappear and His kingdom here on earth would flourish
Comment: Bullhorn Video / Donna - God doesn't want to scare us into loving Him. He wants us to love Him as He loves us and to love our neighbor as ourselves. To love God we must love everyone regardless of our differences or what we have done. We're all made in God's image.
Comment: Lump Video / Kathy - Wow! There is nothing you can do to make God love you less— NOTHING! There is nothing else to say except what a wonderful gift we have been given! The infinite mercy and love of God leaves me speechless.
Comment: Lump Video / Donna - We can't hide anything from God. He knows our every thought and actions. But no matter what we've done He will always forgive us and never stops loving us. We only have to ask. His love is unconditional.
Comment: Lump Video / Fran - How many times we have been there where could take something back but it was too late. We have committed a wrong and don't know how to make it right. God forgives us no matter what and he never fails to love us. Let God pull back the covers of sin and put us in the sunshine again.
Comment: Rhythm Video / Kathy - I liked the image of God writing a song on our hearts. That when we are living our lives in sync with God it is like a pleasing melody.
A loving relationship that gives us hope and lets us feel the love of a Father that loves us and is constantly working in our lives to lead us closer to Him. When we pull away from Him the pleasing melody turns to cacophony and we are unable to hear that song of love until, once again, we turn to Him.
Comment: Rhythm Video / Donna - This one was a little harder for me. While I do agree a relationship with God is more than Him helping us with a parking space etc. I did like the comparison to music as how we should feel about our relationship with God. Music makes me happy, it soothing, and just gives me an all around good feeling. But as a Catholic I do believe Jesus came to teach us the right way to live and to establish His church, The Holy Catholic Church.
Comment: Matthew Video / Kathy - Grieving the loss of someone close is definitely one of the most painful human experiences. You feel as though your heart is broken and wonder how it will ever heal. I believe it is God that eventually heals that broken heart. Somehow He takes our sorrow and pain from us which allows us to move forward. I often pick up my bible in times like that and it really is amazing because it seems I always open to a verse that is particularly meaningful. Almost like He used that opportunity to give me the exact message I needed to hear in that moment. I usually begin to feel a sense of peace and that is when healing slowly begins.
Comment: Matthew Video / Donna - This one really hit home for me. We lost Brodie to leukemia last year. Not long afterwards we were talking about him and I said I can't believe God let this happen. Angrily his mother said I miss him so much but he's in Heaven and I wouldn't take that away from him for anything. She really made me look at his death in a whole new way.
Comment: Matthew Video / Fran & Tom - Lost of a loved one. Our daughter and her husband this past week lost their pet dog of nine years, JoJo. JoJo was the love of their life and their grief has consumed them. Our daughter was walking with JoJo when a very large dog suddenly appeared and attacked them. My daughter needed to go to the hospital and JoJo needed surgery with his injuries. Four days later, the same day Matthew video was scheduled to play, JoJo pasted. I believe God’s plan for this tragedy started months ago. Two cats showed up at their home and my daughter put food out for them. The cats continued visiting daily and soon they became part of the family. JoJo and the two cats, Carmella and Charles, now the cats have names, were compatible. A while later, after a veterinarian appointment, Carmella was found to be pregnant. Soon four darling kittens were born. By this time my daughter and son in-law fell in love with the new additions to the family. Fran and I believe, the cats joining the family, the video timing with Matthew being released the day JoJo died, will soften the grieving. “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”
Comment: Rich Video / Fran - I never thought I was rich. When it was pointed out to me about having a car, clean water, food to eat just a few of the basics that we call them, but some people would look at these things and call us rich. I think the whole point of the video is a wakeup call on how fortunate we are to live, worship and work where we are. We all want more but we should do with less. Be thankful for what we have, we heard this a thousand times but it is something to think about and I am glad that I have been reminded of it.
Comment: Rich Video / Donna - We are truly blessed with treasures on earth. Not everyone can say this. There is a lot of needy people in the world. God expects us who do have to help those less fortunate. Jesus said whatsoever you do for the least of my brethren you do unto me. By doing this we build our treasures in Heaven.
Comment: Breathe Video / Donna - God made us from dust and breathed life into us. We must remember that He is still breathing life into us today. He is always with us. We just need to slow down, breathe, and feel His presence.
Comment: You Video / Donna -Jesus is our only Lord and Savior. He is love, peace, and kindness. This is what we all need to show every day in our lives. This is the only way to make the world better.
Comment: Store Video / Donna - There are two kinds of anger. The anger we show when someone or something doesn't go our way. We lash out with our words or actions. Then there's the anger we feel when we see an injustice in the world. This is the kind of anger Jesus had. This is the kind we should all strive for. We can do this by taking action against any injustice we see.
Comment: Today Video / Donna - We shouldn't live in our past. It's alright to reminisce or grieve sometimes about the past but we should live for today. We aren't promised tomorrow or even the next minute. So we should use the Holy Spirit within us to lead us to a better today.
Comment: Today Video / Greg - As a student of history, I have always agreed that we can and should learn from our past experiences, both individually and collectively. Also, it is important that as individuals, as a parish, and as a society, we plan effectively for the future. That having been said, I think that Rob Bell makes a very important point about the need to be "fully present" and attuned to God's will and His work for us each day. Viewing this video brought to mind the passage in Chapter 6 of Matthew's gospel in which Jesus cautions against being preoccupied with human needs and with worries about tomorrow, stating that we should seek God's kingdom first.
Comment: Name Video / Donna - God made each one of use unique and for a certain purpose. Our experiences shape us to be who we are. We shouldn't focus on trying to be like someone else because we don't like ourselves. We should be happy for who God made us and focus on the purpose He has in mind for our lives.
Comment: Open Video / Donna - When we pray we must be open to accepting God's answer. He always answers us. It may not be the answer we want but we must trust Him and continue to love Him. His answers are accordingly to his plan in our lives.
Comment: Shells Video / Donna - We try to fill our lives with so many things. We hold on to what we think gives us purpose in life. We get so busy we forget to slow down, let gone and find our real purpose for our lives. Jesus did this when He left towns without healing all. His real purpose was to teach others. When we do this we will find inner peace.
Comment: She Video / Donna - God is neither male nor female. We call Him Father but He also treats us like a mother does her child. He protects, listens, and nourishes us. He made us all in His image. In His eyes we are equal.
Comment: Tomato Video / Donna - I liked the comparison of an apple living then dying to give us life. That's what Jesus did for us. We also need to let our worldly lives die. Worrying if we are liked by others, being the best dressed, being right all the time, etc. Then we can focus on a new life in Christ.
Comment: Corner Video / Donna - God says in the bible to leave what's left in the fields at harvest for the less fortunate. We still need to do this today. We should remember when we had less and were more grateful for what we did have. The extra in our lives is someone else’s need.
Comment: Whirlwind Video / Donna - Like Job we all have whirlwinds in our lives. Things happen we don't understand. We want answers but we must believe that God knows why and to trust Him. We mustn't question God's plans in our lives
Comment: Rain Video / Mary - Just watched rain it was soooo beautiful love Rob Bell and is simple but awe inspiring words !!! Ty and God Bless
Comment: Rain Video / Donna -This video was wonderful. It made me cry to think someone could love me that much
Comment: Trees Video / Annemarie - I like the analogy of us living between the trees (of Genesis & Revelations) but agree that there's more to life than just using our faith as a ticket to a better place / heaven. When he talked about the seeds to plant trees, it really reminded me that we're to plant seeds of faith where ever we go and to share are faith with whoever we meet. Other Christians/disciples will be doing the same thing. Then the Holy Spirit will cultivate those seeds and bring people to Jesus. That would be Utopia, if everyone believed in Jesus and loved their neighbors. There would be peace on earth and we would be living in Paradise while were living between the trees.
Comment: Trees Video / Kathy - Good morning, re: Video 3, “Trees” there are many lessons to be taken. I loved the image of the trees, in stark contrast with the city/industrial setting. And the act of planting of those beautiful trees along the road. Some people find God most easily in nature. I think nature (if only 2 trees) reflects God’s beauty and God’s great love for us! St Ignatius of Loyola believed God can be found in all things! For me the trees in this video represent a gift of peace that was given to a “dry and empty place” . Just as God sends peace to us during periods of dryness and isolation like now. I’m reminded how I have in the past thought of God whenever I saw a beautiful Oak tree. May we give a sense of peace to others, serving God’s people as best we can. It is so needed right now. Psalm 96...”Let all of the trees of the forest shout for joy!”
Comment: Trees Video / Donna - Jesus said whatever you do for the least of my brethren you do unto me. Don't boast about it for then you've received your reward on earth.
Comment: Kickball Video / Kathy - When we ask God for anything we may not get the answers we hope for. He always answers us. We must trust that God, like our parents, wants what's best for us but in His time not ours. He loves us and will do what's best for us
Comment: Trees Video / Cathy - Some of my thoughts about Trees. For me this film represented a stark contrast between a life without Jesus and one that is Christ centered. The cityscape is barren, stark, devoid of life. Looking at it causes me to wonder about the profound sense of isolation one must feel when they have no sense of hope. For believers Christ is that hope. The promise that our life “between the trees” is a journey on which we are to spread the seeds of hope Christ gives each and every one of us through this precious gift of faith. The beauty of the new life Christ obtained for us by His selfless sacrifice is visible in the two trees. Through Him we have been reborn and our purpose here “between the trees” is to continue to spread near and far through our words and deeds His message of faith and renewal.
Comment: Noise Video / When do you talk to God? - Cathy - We often talk at our bible study table about learning how to be quiet so we can hear what God is trying to tell us. How as humans “busyness” seems to rule our lives. We are uncomfortable with silence. There is a hymn we used to sing that went in part: Touch me now in the silence of faith speak Lord I love to listen to your voice, speak Lord here I am. He speaks to us in a strangers smile, a gentle breeze upon our face, a beautiful sunrise as a new day begins beckoning is to draw closer, we must learn to be quiet and listen in the silence of faith.
Question: When do you talk to God?
Multiple Choices:
A-Walking in the woods?
B-Quietly listening to a spiritual recording?
C- Adoration?
D-Quietly praying alone?
E-When you receive the Body of Christ?
Answer: All the choices are correct. God is available all the time (John 16: 23-27)
Comment: Kickball Video / Kathy - When we ask God for anything we may not get the answers we hope for. He always answers us. We must trust that God, like our parents, wants what's best for us but in His time not ours. He loves us and will do what's best for us.
Comments: When do you talk to God? / Cathy - I speak with God in all those situations but the most meaningful, profound encounter I have with Him is after receiving Him in Holy Eucharist. When Father Kevin did his mission about the Eucharist and what it represented he said it was like a hug or embrace. His physical presence enters my very being and I feel a profound sense of peace that is almost inexplicable. Even though I know He is speaking to me during the Liturgy of the Word with a specific message He wants me to hear, it is that intimate reception of Him that really lets me feel the depth of His love for me. It is a time for me to thank Him for all the blessings He bestows on me and to ask for His continued Grace and Blessings. What a GIFT He has given us!
Comments: Noise Video / When do you talk to God? / Maryann - I checked all of those multiple choices. Sometimes I think God wishes I would be quiet just as my husband would sometimes request. I did learn when my girls were babies being quiet is absolutely necessary. When you are quiet you slow down, relax & you allow yourself to hear His still, small voice. I have also learned there is nothing too big, or too small to bring to God. He wants to share it all with you.
Comments: Noise Video / When do you talk to God? / Donna – I feel closest to God whenever I'm in church. It's quite and I can feel his presence all around me. It's so comforting. Each night I got to my bedroom, away from everything, and try to focus just on Him. He wants all of us when we are talking to Him.
Comments: Kickball Video / Cathy - Garth Brooks had a song Unanswered Prayers where he says some of God’s greatest gifts are I answered prayers. Sometimes it’s difficult to get past what it is you want and can’t appreciate that God knows better what you need. In His goodness He provides what is perfect for us. The hard part is our limited ability to fully comprehend that when we are in the midst of some situation where we are asking for something and we think God isn’t listening, isn’t answering. Just as our earthly parents offered guidance and discipline our Heavenly Father does the same but on a much more profound and intimate level. After all He created us and wants to have a deep personal relationship with us. Unanswered prayers—maybe they are “some of God’s greatest gifts.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy - This is the second time I have had the opportunity to view Luggage. Both times the abruptness of the ending was unsettling.
Forgiveness is definitely not easy at times but this video reminded me of how easily God forgives us when we express our sorrow for our transgressions. Jesus encourages us to bring our “burdens” to Him and reassures us He will relieve them. Carrying around resentment for past wrongs is definitely a burden as it eats away and consumes with anger. The Bible tells us we must forgive 7 times 70 and let’s face it we have all done things that have required forgiveness from others. Father Ray used to say the person you are forgiving may never know you have forgiven them but you will and God will. In the end God will sort it all out.
Comment: Luggage Video / Don - I think the point that really hit me was: If we cannot forgive others, what would happen if God said he would not forgive us. Really makes me think how important it is for us to "get rid of the baggage" and try to follow God' example of forgiveness.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy – Forgiving others isn't always easy but it's necessary. In order to love our neighbors (as God commands), we have to will the good of others (even though that's pretty tough sometimes and may take us several tries to get to that point). I'm thankful for God's endless mercy and try hard to remember that when other's have hurt me.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy - Yes we all have baggage and we all need to unload that baggage and forgive in God’s way. Perfect description of how we seek revenge in seemingly subtitle ways. I’ll have to admit the lesson is timeless. He acknowledges we all live with wounds that need to be tended but in the right way. I don’t want to spoil the ending of this video. It certainly ends with an unexpected bump. Surprise, oh my!
Comment: Luggage Video / Donna - I like the concept of carrying luggage to describe our baggage from the past that we're still holding onto. It took me over 50 years to forgive a family member from my childhood. I finally realized I was asking God to forgive me but I could not forgive. When I finally did I felt a big weight lift from me. We must forget so God can forgive us.
Comment: Luggage Video / Kathy –I am watching the videos daily and really enjoy each one. The one “luggage” seemed most somber to me because of the way it ended. My first reaction was “bummer, that’s really sad.” But then, God really asks us to rise above our wounds and Rob’s message seemed to be “please forgive before time runs out for you.
Comment: Luggage Video / Greg - I have watched each of the videos to date, and have appreciated the opportunities they provide for continued reflection and spiritual growth. The video entitled "Luggage" was, I thought, particularly good and very timely, coming just a few weeks after our celebration of Christ's passion, death and resurrection, and Divine Mercy Sunday. While watching "Luggage", I was reminded of the response from members of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston after the mass shooting there a few years ago. Rather than crying out for vengeance as so many do, they were determined to forgive, offering an inspiring example of Christian love to all of us. Also relevant is one of Henri Nouwen's daily devotional messages, in which he talks about the heavy burden imposed by judging others, and the inner freedom resulting from letting go of a judgmental mindset.
Comment: Noise Video / Cathy - Well, I need more alphabets to choose from. I am a Chatty Cathy with God and I sometimes wonder if He needs a break. My heart and mind turn to Him in an ongoing dialogue all day and some nights. I too often do a lot of the talking! I hear His voice in many different ways that make me aware of how close He is and how much I am loved. Often a question is immediately answered by a thought, a song lyric, a page turned in my Bible or a book, a vista, a friend’s visit or telephone call. His creativity is delightful! But our really intimate moments occur in the Mass, after Communion, during Adoration or just sitting watching a sunrise/sunset on my patio. I am never alone or lonely. I am so blessed!
Thank You, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit for teaching me Your Love language and always hearing my call ~Amen
Comment: Dust Video / Annemarie - Well, that was an education on being a disciple. I have to say, I guess I never thought about how you would become a disciple (prior to Jesus calling his disciples). I also never realized why Peter started sinking when he walked on water (assuming Rob's theory is true). The video reminded me of 2 things: Jesus doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called and that Jesus didn't come for the healthy but to heal the sick.
Comment: Dust Video / Donna - God isn't looking for the best of the best. He wants each one of us to have faith in ourselves that we can go out and be disciples for Him. We do this thru our actions and by professing our faith. God accepts and loves everybody.
Comment: Dust Video / Ed - I enjoyed the historical look at this slice of life at the time of Jesus. His point is well taken.
Comment: Dust Video / Don - I enjoyed the lesson on becoming a rabbi (disciple) in Jewish history. Then Jesus chooses regular folks to become his disciples. I imagine this was frowned upon and questioned by the powers that be at that time, which added difficulty to Jesus' mission to convert the Jews. I like Annemarie's thought: "Jesus doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."
Comment: Dust Video / Kathy - I really liked how we can be like Jesus as his disciples, especially in imitating his kindness and generosity to others. My father was a wonderful secret doer of good deeds, he was always helping someone who was elderly, alone, sick, down on their luck or just needed help with something, but he never said much about what he did. He just liked helping people. I’d like to be like Jesus in that way too, and I guess there are many ministries in the church that give us opportunities to help others. So we can get that dust on us like his disciples.
Comment: Dust Video / Kathy - The explanation in Dust about how rabbis chose the ones who were deemed the best of the best and asked to follow them and become their students was quite informative. That those who followed behind the rabbi would say they wished to be covered by their rabbi’s dust. Jesus called the apostles to “follow Him”. They had no advanced knowledge of scripture. They were just ordinary people doing ordinary jobs. They were fishermen. Yet Jesus chose them to follow Him, learn from Him and they would be the ones to bring His good news “to the ends of the earth”. What a powerful message! He chose each and every one of us to do the same. The Holy Spirit enlightens and informs us as we continue our journey home to Him. Giving each of us what we need to bring Christ to others in whatever way we can.
Comment: Bullhorn Video / Kathy - We often discuss in bible study about the difference in tone between the Old and New Testament. Fire and brimstone in the old gentleness and love in the new. In the video Bullhorn Rob speaks about God being of God of love. He is not a vengeful God looking to punish but a loving, compassionate God wanting what is best for us. Jesus told the disciples there were two commandments. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. What an amazing world this would be if everyone lived by those commandments. If we all loved our neighbors as ourselves hatred and division would disappear and His kingdom here on earth would flourish
Comment: Bullhorn Video / Donna - God doesn't want to scare us into loving Him. He wants us to love Him as He loves us and to love our neighbor as ourselves. To love God we must love everyone regardless of our differences or what we have done. We're all made in God's image.
Comment: Lump Video / Kathy - Wow! There is nothing you can do to make God love you less— NOTHING! There is nothing else to say except what a wonderful gift we have been given! The infinite mercy and love of God leaves me speechless.
Comment: Lump Video / Donna - We can't hide anything from God. He knows our every thought and actions. But no matter what we've done He will always forgive us and never stops loving us. We only have to ask. His love is unconditional.
Comment: Lump Video / Fran - How many times we have been there where could take something back but it was too late. We have committed a wrong and don't know how to make it right. God forgives us no matter what and he never fails to love us. Let God pull back the covers of sin and put us in the sunshine again.
Comment: Rhythm Video / Kathy - I liked the image of God writing a song on our hearts. That when we are living our lives in sync with God it is like a pleasing melody.
A loving relationship that gives us hope and lets us feel the love of a Father that loves us and is constantly working in our lives to lead us closer to Him. When we pull away from Him the pleasing melody turns to cacophony and we are unable to hear that song of love until, once again, we turn to Him.
Comment: Rhythm Video / Donna - This one was a little harder for me. While I do agree a relationship with God is more than Him helping us with a parking space etc. I did like the comparison to music as how we should feel about our relationship with God. Music makes me happy, it soothing, and just gives me an all around good feeling. But as a Catholic I do believe Jesus came to teach us the right way to live and to establish His church, The Holy Catholic Church.
Comment: Matthew Video / Kathy - Grieving the loss of someone close is definitely one of the most painful human experiences. You feel as though your heart is broken and wonder how it will ever heal. I believe it is God that eventually heals that broken heart. Somehow He takes our sorrow and pain from us which allows us to move forward. I often pick up my bible in times like that and it really is amazing because it seems I always open to a verse that is particularly meaningful. Almost like He used that opportunity to give me the exact message I needed to hear in that moment. I usually begin to feel a sense of peace and that is when healing slowly begins.
Comment: Matthew Video / Donna - This one really hit home for me. We lost Brodie to leukemia last year. Not long afterwards we were talking about him and I said I can't believe God let this happen. Angrily his mother said I miss him so much but he's in Heaven and I wouldn't take that away from him for anything. She really made me look at his death in a whole new way.
Comment: Matthew Video / Fran & Tom - Lost of a loved one. Our daughter and her husband this past week lost their pet dog of nine years, JoJo. JoJo was the love of their life and their grief has consumed them. Our daughter was walking with JoJo when a very large dog suddenly appeared and attacked them. My daughter needed to go to the hospital and JoJo needed surgery with his injuries. Four days later, the same day Matthew video was scheduled to play, JoJo pasted. I believe God’s plan for this tragedy started months ago. Two cats showed up at their home and my daughter put food out for them. The cats continued visiting daily and soon they became part of the family. JoJo and the two cats, Carmella and Charles, now the cats have names, were compatible. A while later, after a veterinarian appointment, Carmella was found to be pregnant. Soon four darling kittens were born. By this time my daughter and son in-law fell in love with the new additions to the family. Fran and I believe, the cats joining the family, the video timing with Matthew being released the day JoJo died, will soften the grieving. “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”
Comment: Rich Video / Fran - I never thought I was rich. When it was pointed out to me about having a car, clean water, food to eat just a few of the basics that we call them, but some people would look at these things and call us rich. I think the whole point of the video is a wakeup call on how fortunate we are to live, worship and work where we are. We all want more but we should do with less. Be thankful for what we have, we heard this a thousand times but it is something to think about and I am glad that I have been reminded of it.
Comment: Rich Video / Donna - We are truly blessed with treasures on earth. Not everyone can say this. There is a lot of needy people in the world. God expects us who do have to help those less fortunate. Jesus said whatsoever you do for the least of my brethren you do unto me. By doing this we build our treasures in Heaven.
Comment: Breathe Video / Donna - God made us from dust and breathed life into us. We must remember that He is still breathing life into us today. He is always with us. We just need to slow down, breathe, and feel His presence.
Comment: You Video / Donna -Jesus is our only Lord and Savior. He is love, peace, and kindness. This is what we all need to show every day in our lives. This is the only way to make the world better.
Comment: Store Video / Donna - There are two kinds of anger. The anger we show when someone or something doesn't go our way. We lash out with our words or actions. Then there's the anger we feel when we see an injustice in the world. This is the kind of anger Jesus had. This is the kind we should all strive for. We can do this by taking action against any injustice we see.
Comment: Today Video / Donna - We shouldn't live in our past. It's alright to reminisce or grieve sometimes about the past but we should live for today. We aren't promised tomorrow or even the next minute. So we should use the Holy Spirit within us to lead us to a better today.
Comment: Today Video / Greg - As a student of history, I have always agreed that we can and should learn from our past experiences, both individually and collectively. Also, it is important that as individuals, as a parish, and as a society, we plan effectively for the future. That having been said, I think that Rob Bell makes a very important point about the need to be "fully present" and attuned to God's will and His work for us each day. Viewing this video brought to mind the passage in Chapter 6 of Matthew's gospel in which Jesus cautions against being preoccupied with human needs and with worries about tomorrow, stating that we should seek God's kingdom first.
Comment: Name Video / Donna - God made each one of use unique and for a certain purpose. Our experiences shape us to be who we are. We shouldn't focus on trying to be like someone else because we don't like ourselves. We should be happy for who God made us and focus on the purpose He has in mind for our lives.
Comment: Open Video / Donna - When we pray we must be open to accepting God's answer. He always answers us. It may not be the answer we want but we must trust Him and continue to love Him. His answers are accordingly to his plan in our lives.
Comment: Shells Video / Donna - We try to fill our lives with so many things. We hold on to what we think gives us purpose in life. We get so busy we forget to slow down, let gone and find our real purpose for our lives. Jesus did this when He left towns without healing all. His real purpose was to teach others. When we do this we will find inner peace.
Comment: She Video / Donna - God is neither male nor female. We call Him Father but He also treats us like a mother does her child. He protects, listens, and nourishes us. He made us all in His image. In His eyes we are equal.
Comment: Tomato Video / Donna - I liked the comparison of an apple living then dying to give us life. That's what Jesus did for us. We also need to let our worldly lives die. Worrying if we are liked by others, being the best dressed, being right all the time, etc. Then we can focus on a new life in Christ.
Comment: Corner Video / Donna - God says in the bible to leave what's left in the fields at harvest for the less fortunate. We still need to do this today. We should remember when we had less and were more grateful for what we did have. The extra in our lives is someone else’s need.
Comment: Whirlwind Video / Donna - Like Job we all have whirlwinds in our lives. Things happen we don't understand. We want answers but we must believe that God knows why and to trust Him. We mustn't question God's plans in our lives