1 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 24 | 2:15 PM Corpus Christi will present the life of Saint Sister Maria Faustina, her visionencounters with the Lord Jesus Christ and the creation of the divine image of the merciful Jesus portrait, starting at 2:15 p.m. in the church building. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will commence at 3:00 p.m.
2 DIVINE MERCY NOVENA April 15 - April 23 Jesus himself asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy, which would begin on Good Friday, April 23. In preparation for the Feast, let us pray together the intentions given by Christ to Saint Faustina – particularly to plead for relief and healing from a pandemic that has afflicted so many in our congregation.
Jesus instructed Saint Faustina that praying this Novena would bring souls strength and refreshment, and the graces we need in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death. Jesus also promised that the very depths of His Mercy would be opened on the Feast of Divine Mercy, pouring out an ocean of graces upon those who approach the Fount of His Mercy on that day. Resolved to turn away from our sins, let us then look with great trust to Jesus, Whose open Heart flows with abundant mercies for us in this time of crisis and suffering. You can find the Novena on the Corpus Christi website by clicking on the button below.
3 HOLY WEEK BLESSINGS On behalf of Father Joseph, Father Gustavo and Father Mike, we extend our heartfelt thanks for making Holy Week such a tremendous celebration for the glory of God! The Holy Week ceremonies were truly prayerful and reverent, and the liturgies were joyous! As St. Augustine said so long ago, “We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!”
None of the solemnity, beauty and glory of Holy Week is possible without the hard work of so many good people. We thank... (read the full article by clicking the button below).
4 LIFE-CHANGING YOUTH CONFERENCE Hosted by Life-Teen | July 8-10 Let your teenager experience a Catholic youth conference with energetic speakers, and powerful praise and worship to encounter Jesus more deeply. Our Youth Ministry is striving to get our youth involved in their faith, and this is one way to grow spiritually as a community. All students from grades 8th to 12th are welcome to attend. If you are interested, please click on the button below to contact Dana Crumpton, Director of Youth Ministry, at the earliest convenience. To learn more about this special event, please tab on the button below.
5 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASSES Throughout the Easter Season Corpus Christi will celebrate First Communion Masses all through the Easter season during the weekend Masses (Saturdays and Sundays) beginning on the weekend of April 23-24 and continuing through the weekend of May 28-29. Congratulations to all of our first communicants and their families during this special and profound occasion.
PARENTS The Parish office will contact the parents ten (10) days prior to the child's first communion date to review the details of the liturgical celebration, such as the time of arrival, seating arrangement, and reception of holy communion, among others.
6 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Monday, June 27, to Thursday, June 30 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Vacation Bible School is back! Our 2022 dates are Monday, June 27, through Thursday, June 30, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Additional information including how to register your child for the summer program will be available soon. If you and/or your teenager is interested in volunteering, please click on the button below or contact the Parish office during business hours at the telephone number listed on the bottom of this page.
7 "LISTEN EVERYWHERE" APP Hearing Aid Assistance Corpus Christi now has the “ListenEVERYWHERE” application. It is a wireless streaming audio app for parishioners with hearing loss. The audio is delivered directly to parishioners’ hearing aid through their smartphones. The app is free, fully customizable, and simple to use. To read the instructions of the app, click on the image below.
8 NEW MEMBERS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH It is with great joy Corpus Christi welcomes sixteen (16) of our parishioners as new members of the Catholic Church. During our Great Vigil of Easter Mass on April 16, the Sacraments of Initiation and Reception into Full Communion were celebrated for ten (10) Catechumens and six (6) Candidates.
Catechuments that went through the RCIA preparation process and received the Sacraments of Initiation: Julian Aguilera, Carrine Austen, Merelyn Corona-Ramirez, Marla Dixon, Jonathan Gunter, Dylan Hackley, Kelli Hass, Rosalie Salgado-Chi, and Emily Sease.
Candidates (already baptized) that also went through the RCIA journey and received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church: Regina Willoughby, Angela Alvarez, Marcela Alvarez, Ruth Candelaria Chi Almeida, Janice Coleman, Martin Hollenbeck, Jr.
Please keep them in your prayers as they grow in their faith as members of our Parish family. CONGRATULATIONS to all 16! Welcome to the Table of the Lord! Last but not least, we want to thank James Houck, Michael Hibbs, Michael Ludwig, Kathy Ludwig and the RCIA team for all the time, effort, and sacrifice you placed in teaching our catechumens and candidates about the faith which you yourselves love.
9 VACATION FOR YOUR MARRIAGE Simply Love | April 30 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Simply Love, a Catholic Marriage Day of Renewal will take place on Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in Fort Mill. The Diocesan Office of Family Life is pleased to offer this day as a vacation for your marriage through inspiring talks, couple prayer time, discussion, and activities with guest speakers and popular authors Troy and Kathleen Billings and Allen and Denae Hebert. The cost is $50.00 per couple which includes lunch and dinner. The host parish is close to area parks, walking trails, restaurants and hotels. When you work together on your marriage, you both win! To register, contact Natalie Burt at [email protected], or call (803) 899-4946. Registration deadline is on Monday, April 25.
10 MASS ATTENDANCE Holy Week = 2,027 April 9-10 = 941 April 2-3 = 905 March 26-27 = 905 March 19-20 = 880 March 12-13 = 834 March 5-6 = 829 February 26-27 = 809 February 19-20 = 791 February 12-13 = 721 January 29-30 = 650
During the third quarter (January, February, March) of fiscal year 2022, Corpus Christi generated net cash from collections and designated offerings of $237,019.99, compared to $211,728.34 previous quarter-to-date (FY21Q3). Thank you very much for your generous gifts which support ours effort to prayerfully imitate the ultimate servant, Jesus Christ, in what we strive to do each and every day.
WEEK OF MARCH 14 - 20 OSV Online Giving Sub-Total: $4.398.40, In-Person: $9,815.00 Total Contributions: $14,213.40
WEEK OF MARCH 21 - 27 OSV Online Giving Sub-Total: $3,790.20, In-Person: $12,819.00 Total Contributions: $16,609.20
WEEK OF MARCH 28 - APRIL 3 OSV Online Giving Sub-Total: $3,329.30, In-Person: $18,380.21 Total Contributions: $21,709.51
WEEK OF APRIL 4 - 10 OSV Online Giving Sub-Total: $4,537.60, In-Person: $19,145.92 Total Contributions: $23,683.52
WEEK OF APRIL 11 - 17 OSV Online Giving Sub-Total: $5,196.70, In-Person: $19,998.00 Total Contributions: $25,194.70
12 EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS Corpus Christi is extremely grateful for the many donors who helped decorate the church for Easter by donating lilies in honor of or in memory of loved ones. Together in prayer, let us remember in our daily prayers the faithful community listed on the bottom of this page.
13 VOCATION SUNDAY May 8, 2022 As World Day of Prayer for Vocations comes near, we will celebrate Vocation Sunday during Holy Mass on May 8th as we pray together for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We encourage everyone to consider writing a letter, an e-mail or getting in touch with a priest or member of a religious community to thank them for the impact they have had, or continue to have on your life. Keep our priests, deacons, and religious sisters and brothers in your daily prayers. Talk to your children, grandchildren, or your sibling about God's desire for their life and the possibility of becoming a priest or religious sister or brother. Remember the importance of praying for more young women and men to respond to God's call.
14 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH All middle and high school students continue to be invited to participate in our weekly Youth Group programs every Sunday after the 5:00 p.m. Mass. Middle school youth meets with Michaelann Large and John Conway while the high school youth gathers with Dana Crumpton and Carmen Wilson in the Youth Ministry building until 7:30 p.m. We ask all parents to encourage their middle and high school aged children to participate in this wonderful Ministry that is drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith. Please click the button(s) below to register and/or ask any questions you may have regarding the Youth Groups.
15 POPE FRANCIS April 2022 Every month, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention. Let us join him with millions of other people worldwide in praying for his monthly intention.
HEALTH CARE WORKERS We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities.
16 PRAYER INTENTIONS Offer a Prayer For Our Community Corpus Christi asks that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for our community in faith: For all Parishioners of Corpus Christi Jean Kiblin Martha Grosse Inés Ramis Whitney Medlock David Pasulka Josh Jernigan Patricia Clisham Edward "Al" Stevens John O'Shea Sylvia Richard Richard Nolasco CJ "Niel" Bonacum Susan Keffler Patricia McGuinness-Rabon Bernie Lewis Lloyd Patrick Bruce Campbell Nettie Taylor
17 WEDNESDAY INTENTIONS Intentions Remembers Every Wednesday For those who would like to have their intentions remembered without waiting extended periods of time, the Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Mass is offered for all "Wednesday Intentions" requested that week. Intentions are to be submitted by 11:50 each Wednesday as they will be announced prior to Mass that same day. "Wednesday Intention" envelops are available in the vestibule area and in the Parish office. All gifts are donated to our Assistance Ministry in order to help our neighbors in need.
18 EASTER TRIDUUM BROADCAST Want to watch last week's Great Vigil of Easter, Mass of the Lord's Supper, the Commemoration of the Lord's Passion, Easter Sunday, or a recent Mass? Click on the button below to access the archives of our LiveControl channel.
19 A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS Come to know and understand the Holy Mass like never before, leading you to a richer, more fruitful worship experience. Click the button below and visit the Parish website to watch the five-part video program.
20 THE VEIL REMOVED Watch this short video revealing the coming together of Heaven and Earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by Scripture and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
21 MINISTERS ARE NEEDED Corpus Christi is in need of Ministers of the Mass. If you and/or a family member are interested in serving as a lector, Eucharistic minister, sacristan, greeter, usher, or altar server, please click the button below to sign-up as a Minister.
22 THE LEGION OF MARY The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of the lay apostolate, open to men and women, who wish to contribute a few hours a week of their time and prayers. The members participate in the life of the Parish through bringing Holy Communion to the sick - home or hospital. Join us as we pray together and perform charitable works of Mercy. Auxiliary membership is also welcome! For more information, please contact Elaine Smith at the telephone number 803-673-2449, Chris Riggins at 919-417-5254, or the Parish office.
23 MASS & CONFESSION For the weekly schedule of Masses and Confessions, please click below.
24 WEEKLY SPANISH MASS & CONFESSION Every Saturday evening, Corpus Christi celebrates Holy Mass in Spanish. The Saturday Vigil Mass, administered by our parochial vicar Father Gustavo Corredor, starts at 7:00 p.m. Confessions are offered in Spanish on Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and at the end of the Vigil Mass.
25 VOTIVE CANDLE ETIQUETTE For many years now, we have been blessed by being able to light a votive candle for our prayer intentions in the chapels of Our Beloved Mother Mary and Saint Joseph. We would like to offer some reminders about Votive Candle Etiquette so that all of us may continue to enjoy the benefits of this beautiful and devotional practice. 1 In consideration of your fellow parishioners, we ask you to perhaps light only one candle for your intentions (suggested $1.00 donation). 2 You can also light candles during the week as the church is open. 3 If all the candles have been lit, please do not blow them out to relight them for your own prayer intention. 4 Please monitor your children around our candle stands. Do not allow them to play with the sticks or the votive candles. This is a critical safety issue requiring your vigilance at all times.
We ask for your cooperation in following these guidelines and for your kindness and consideration toward your fellow parishioners. Thank you!
26 BROADCAST For those who cannot attend Holy Mass because of health concerns, you may worship from home by clicking on "The Holy Mass" button on the homepage of the Corpus Christi website. Utilizing two upgraded cameras for audio and video quality improvement, the Parish will continue to broadcast live the weekend Masses as well as all weekday Masses.