Throughout the month of May, special Marian devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated to honor the Queen of Heaven and Earth. These private services will take place inside and outside the Parish - broadcasted through the Corpus Christi website - including the decoration of the May altar (outside in the Prayer Garden) with flowers and candles, the May Crowning on May 13, Holy Rosary prayer services throughout the week, among others. We will communicate further information on how to request a candle through the website (which the Parish Office will light for you) to petition the Blessed Virgin Mary for a personal intention.
As we are aware, it is not always easy discerning God’s will and to steer our lives in the right direction. Our relationship with God is intimate and personal, as it is in community. During this unprecedented time, our closeness with God, our relationship with Him just for ourselves and detached from the community - the people of God - is dangerous. To listen and discern, Corpus Christi will celebrate and assemble opportunities for communal prayer and fellowship during the month of May, a Parish community challenge that will provide ways to discover God’s plan during these difficult times through prayers, spiritual reflections, and meditations on God’s word, as well as through acts of charity and fun events. We will communicate the details of this community challenge via e-mail soon. As World Day of Prayer for Vocations comes near, we will celebrate Vocation Sunday during Holy Mass on May 3rd as we pray together for more vocations to the ministry of priesthood, religious life and diaconate. At your convenience, we ask you to please take a moment to write a letter or an email to a person (who dedicated his or her life to serve in an Order or movement as a priest, brother, monk, nun or sister) who impacted your life in an extraordinary way.
Relying on the generosity of our parishioners, the Parish is repainting the floors in the church building (under the pews), as well as commencing the process of fixing and, if necessary, finding the right air conditioner replacement for the building. These and other expenditures on the Parish facilities will be covered by the Corpus Christi Building Renovation savings account. These funds are non-correlated to the funds currently been raised for the Bicentennial Campaign - which are maintained in a separate account under the Catholic Community Foundation of SC.
As we recognize so many quite heroes who are courageous and generous in our vibrant Parish community, we ask for your steadfast prayers that the Lord may continue strengthen their instinct and inspiration, and assure them they are held deeply in our hearts for the nobility of spirit that they show. Last but not least, let us continue to pray for each other, especially for the departed souls of David Gates, Jim Ludwig and Barbara June Politowski - that the Lord may welcome them into His Kingdom, and His divine love and peace bless and console their respective families. Let us keep going wholeheartedly together. May the Lord continue to protect and richly bless you all!