Peace be with you and your families. On behalf of Father Joseph, he wants to assure you of his continued prayers for you, for the sick in our community, for their families, for the health care workers on the front line, and for leaders who are diligently working to slow the spread of the coronavirus. While we cannot physically be together, we are still here for you – and you are still part of the universal family of faith called the Catholic Church. Together, we are praying, we are checking on our neighbors, we are participating in the livestream of the Masses and prayer services, we are supporting each other, and we are still living as disciples of Jesus.
By following in the footsteps of the Holy Father Pope Francis, who reminds us that “the Church does not close its doors to anyone,” we will continue to feed the spiritual needs of our parishioners through the Parish website, YouTube channel and social media outlets.
CONTACT FATHER JOSEPH: If you would like to talk to Father Joseph regarding any subject, or you would like to say hello, via phone or the Zoom app, he will be available to receive your phone call or coordinate a Zoom Meeting through the Parish telephone number (803) 359-4391 on Monday, April 6, and Wednesday, April 8, from 9:30 AM through 11:30 AM.
ASSISTANCE MINISTRY: The Ministry will be partially operating this week to assist our parishioners – only on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM through 11:00 AM. Please visit the Parish website to send your request and to schedule a pick-up time: This service will be contactless. We will deliver your premade bags at the curb of the Old Church building. Please do not leave your vehicle. All personnel assisting with the above will be wearing gloves at all times. THE LITTLE WHITE BOOK: The Knights of Columbus - Council 11325 - will be donating and mailing out The Little White Book: Six-Minute Reflections on the Sunday Gospels of Easter. Please visit the Parish website to order your book: Requests of the Easter booklet are processed in the order they are received.
CONTRIBUTIONS: Please try to support Corpus Christi during this difficult time. Without most of the weekend collections, and without an Easter collection, you can imagine that parishes all over the world will be struggling greatly. We are truly grateful to all parishioners who give online. Your contribution is an incredible help during this challenging time. We ask if everyone else could consider giving online on a temporarily basis to get us through this situation:
YouTube CHANNEL: If you missed the live broadcast of Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, you can still watch the Holy Mass recorded through the Parish website or the Corpus Christi YouTube Channel:
DAILY MASS: The private celebration and live broadcast of the daily Mass has been changed to 8:30 AM. The daily Mass will be livestreamed from Corpus Christi every day, Monday through Saturday, at 8:30 AM through the Parish website and YouTube Channel.
CHURCH BUILDING: While we cannot have any public celebrations or gatherings, the church building will be open every day from 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM so that our faithful can pray in sacred space. Disinfectants have been applied to hard surfaces and in the restroooms of the church building, and will continue to be applied diligently throughout the week.
PRAYER LIST: As we continue to pray for one another, please remember to visit our website to submit your prayer requests. All prayer intentions will be listed:
Please know that Father Joseph continues to pray for your families. I invite you to join him daily through the website for Mass at 8:30 AM as well as the prayer services taking place throughout the day to help strengthen our faith and communion with the mystical body of Christ, the Church. May the Lord God continue to protect and richly bless you all!