On behalf of Father Joseph, the Parish Office is sending everyone a friendly reminder that the Mass of the Lord's Supper taking place this evening will be broadcasted live at 7:00 PM: https://www.corpuschristisc.org/watch-mass-live.html
On Good Friday, The Passion of the Lord will also be broadcasted live through the Corpus Christi website at 3:00 PM. For more information regarding the Holy Week schedule: https://www.corpuschristisc.org/holy-week.html
If you have a love one or a friend who would like to receive updates from Corpus Christi, please pass the word that on the homepage of the Parish website, under SUBSCRIBE, they can sign up to receive important news and updates related to the Parish and the Diocese of Charleston.
Let us continue to pray for each other, especially for Todd Duncan, Mark and Dana McKenna, who tested positive for COVID-19, that they may obtain God's grace of healing and deliverance, and the undeniable protection of our Blessed Mother.
As we are witnessing extraordinary acts of generous service, flowing from a thankfulness for the gift of life and deep desire to help and assist, let us continue to pray together that this moment is part of our Passover. May God richly bless you!