Total Parish Revenue Total Parish revenue has increased over 34% over the last two years, from $970,839 in calendar year 2020 to $1,301,223 in 2022. Corpus Christi is estimated to record the highest-ever revenue since 1978. Online giving will account for 28% of the total offertory, an increase of 61% compared to 2020.
Net Income As to our net income, consistency is the key, and though Corpus Christi do not tend to have consistently higher net income margins - trending less than 40% - the interpretations of our financial statements make clear that the Parish is developing strong long-term economics.
Cash Flow Report The ability of the Parish to operate in the short and long term is based on how much cash is flowing into and out of Corpus Christi. The cash flow report (click the button below) provides a detailed picture of what happened to the cash of the Parish throughout the calendar years 2021 and 2022.
Efficiency Ratio The efficiency ratio indicates the expenses as a percentage of revenue, with a few variations. The ratios listed on the Parish website (click button below) hardly fluctuate, which signals sound financial practices. The third quarter of calendar year 2022 is an anomaly. Its volatility came from costs associated with the purchase of two new Columbarium units, in which case this singular fluctuation is no cause for alarm.
To review a summary of our estimated financial reports, please click on the button below. The diocesan Office of Financial Services confirmed that the End of Year Reports (June 30, 2022) will be delivered to the Parish on or before December 30; the First Quarter Reports (September 30, 2022) by January 31.
Corpus Christi Mass attendance is over 62% higher year-to-year (2021 v. 2022), rising excessively to an average of 1,033 weekend attendees.
Effective Channels of Communication
Our website, Parish app, social media outlets, bulletin, newsletters are one of the many places to learn more about Parish life, ministries, sacraments, upcoming events, news, and Catholic media, among many others.
Website During the last 12 months, the Parish website had278,225pageviews, an increase of 1,043%from the previous period (year-to-year), and 70,530 unique views, an increase of 1,195%.
Social Media During the last 12 months, the Parish Facebook page had 60,378 page views, an increase of over 10,200% from the previous 12 months, and 15,112 visits, and increase of over 14,400%.
New Parish App Apple and Android Phones
Corpus Christi is excited to announce the release of our own Parish app, available in English and Spanish for parishioners to download on both Apple iPhones and Android phones today. We have been working diligently to enhance our service, and we strongly believe our first-class Parish app will further improve our communication and outreach while offering the features that parishioners enjoy.
Features Calendar, Parish messages, daily Mass readings, Parish info, Mass and Confession times, Parish news and events, bulletins, live stream of Masses, prayers with reminders and requests, examination of conscience and next Confession reminder, latest Catholic news, and many other resources and famous podcasts such as Inspire Daily, CatholicMom, Gentleman, Audio Bible, Audio Rosary, Real Life Catholic, Reflections, and Fr. Mike Schmitz, among others.
Test Drive It From your Apple or Android device, select your app store below to download our new app today.
Christmas Times Mass and Confession
CHRISTMAS EVE Saturday, December 24 3:00 PM - English 5:00 PM - English 7:00 PM - Spanish 10:00 PM - Solemn Liturgy Mass with Incense
CHRISTMAS DAY Sunday, December 25 8:00 AM – English 11:00 AM – English 5:00 PM – NO MASS
Ministers' Special Schedule December 24-25 | December 31-January 1
A special schedule for all seven (7) Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses have been created and posted in the Ministry Scheduler online system - with the number of ministers still needed for each role at each Mass. If you are interested in serving as a greeter, usher, altar server, lector, eucharistic minister or sacristan, go to the special schedule by click on the “available spot” icon.
Please tab on the button below for this special schedule.
Remembering Our Loved Ones, Living & Deceased Christmas Flowers
Corpus Christi is extremely grateful for the many donors who supported the Christmas Poinsettia Flowers - through the remembrances of loved ones, living and deceased. Together in prayer, let us remember in our daily prayers the faithful community listed below.
Christmas Letter from Fr. Joseph Glory to God in the Highest
As one family in Christ, let us continue to pray for each other, as well as for those in our community who are ill, suffering or in need: Teri Kopp, Josephine Ferrell, Nettie Taylor, Joseph Abdalla, Patricia Louise Thinnes, Robert Blackwell, Raymond C. Malejko, Jennifer Bennett, Joan Kearse, Rosemary Jumper, Max Pelley, Dave Barker, Eva Clifton, James Guidas, Edward Allen Stevens, John O’Shea, CJ 'Niel' Bonacum, Judith DeNoir, Susan Keffler, Pamela Beth Holsclaw, Brian Taylor, Oneil Lagasse, Luciana Stegeman, John “Jack” Mason, and Jimmy Mosley.
Father Mike Celebrates the End of Cancer Treatment
Father Mike got to ring the bell at Lexington Medical to celebrate the end of his cancer treatment! He has had an amazing team of doctors, nurses and friends throughout this process. We are grateful to them, as well as to everyone from Corpus Christi who has prayed for his recovery every step of the way. Our prayers and support go out to everyone fighting a difficult health battle.
From the Bishop Christmas Message 2022
Your Community Needs You
Your continued support is urgently needed and gratefully received during this challenging times. Please take time to become an online giver. It is safe, secure and easy. You can setup a weekly or monthly recurring payment. To become an online giver, please click on the OSV Online Giving logo below.
New Schedule January, February, March All ministers, including lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, ushers, greeters and sacristans, have been scheduled through our web-based program Ministry Scheduler with new assignments for the months of January, February and March. To view the new schedule, please tab the button below.
Christmas is at its heart a feast and a day where we try to appreciate again the initiative of God. So much of our lives are shaped around the initiatives that we take, what we strive to do, what we want to achieve. But Christmas is actually about God’s initiative. God’s initiative from the very beginning in creating this world. God’s initiative in giving this world its astonishing beauty. And God’s initiative working through that long history of salvation, until His eternal Word takes on flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary and enters into our reality in the stable in Bethlehem. So in front of this initiative of God, we first of all should be still. We should be full of wonder and awe as so many of the Christmas carols and songs remind us. On this day, we should take such joy that the Lord bothers about us, that He reaches out to us. That He does not, as it were, stay at His eternal distance, but actually embraces our reality and each one of us.
While Christmas Day is an enormously busy day, one full of bustle and excitement, it is so important and so worthwhile to try and give it a silent heart, a quiet heart. Because it is from that quiet appreciation of God’s love for us that our real joy and our real celebration will flow like an enormous river.
On behalf of Father Joseph, Father Gustavo and the Parish Office, we really want to wish you a very, very happy Christmas with a happiness that comes from that source as we respond to the initiative of God who first comes to us. May the thousands of Christmas lights lead us to the one light from which they flow, the one great light, the light of God made visible in the birth of this Child, Jesus. When we set ourselves close to Him, may His light shine in and through us too. As He is the pathway we are to follow, may the light of Christ shine in our actions so that all may see and come to the joy and delight at the heart of this great Feast!