On Thursday, December 31, Corpus Christi will celebrate Daily Mass in the morning at 8:30 a.m., as scheduled. Please remember that the Daily Mass does not fulfill the Holy Day of Obligation - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
On January 1, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, our Lady's greatest title. This day has been observed as a Holy Day of Obligation since early times due to this Feast - the octave of Christmas.
A plenary indulgence may be gained by reciting or singing the hymn Veno Creator Spiritus on the first day of the year. This hymn is traditionally sung for beginnings of things, calling on the Holy Spirit before endeavoring something new.
SCHEDULE Thursday Vigil Mass December 31 5:00 p.m. in English 7:00 p.m. in Spanish
3 70 FAMILIES, 220 INDIVIDUALS AND $7,205 During the month of December, the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry provided non-perishable supplies to 70families and 220 individuals, and assisted families with their utility bills and rental expenses in the total amount of $7,205.00. Currently, the Ministry is in great need of the following items: rice, pancake mix and syrup, breakfast bars, peanut butter, jelly, diapers, laundry detergent, and cereal assortment. Let us continue helping the Ministry in any way we can. Thank you for all your help!
4 DONATIONS We would like to reiterate our heartfelt appreciation for your financial support in helping Corpus Christi share the Gospel message in innumerable ways – to our congregation as well as to our community. Donations like yours are an incredible help during this unprecedented time. We are truly grateful for your generosity!
WEEK OF DECEMBER 21 OSV Online Giving Sub-Total: $4,378.62 In-Person: $23,798.00 Total Contributions: $28,176.60
During the next week, the live broadcast of the Holy Mass, other liturgical celebrations, and prayer services will ONLY take place via the Corpus Christi website and Facebook page. Our YouTube channel is currently going through essential modifications to avoid future broadcasting problems and to satisfy certain YouTube criteria. Since the Parish's channel has less than 1,000 subscribers, we have been limited to third party applications that allow manual streaming using an RTMP address and a stream key. Next week, we will update the congregation on the status of our YouTube channel.
Corpus Christi will celebrate Daily Mass every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. followed by Confessions. As promised by Our Lady of Fatima, all who practice the Devotion on five (5) consecutive months, our Blessed Mother will assist us at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation as an act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
CONNECT Live will livestream this month’s session on OUR FAMILIES' HONOR. Come to a deeper understanding of your vocation and mission in Christ, in the Church, and in the world, and watch CONNECT Live tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. by clicking the button below.
All ministers, including lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, ushers, greeters, and sacristans have be scheduled through our web-based programMinister Schedulerfor the months of January, February and March.
Corpus Christi is in need of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to minister Holy Communion to the sick and shut-ins in our community. Along with the home bound parishioners that cannot attend Mass to receive the Holy Eucharist, ministers are needed to visit Lexington Extended Care, Oakleaf Village, Wellmore of Lexington, Morningside of Lexington Assisted Living, and Lakeside Place. The facilities mentioned above are ministered weekly by six different teams of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Our goal is to achieve a 4-week team rotation for all of the facilities. If interested, please contact the Parish Office by clicking the bottom below.
The 3rd session of Beloved will take place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, January 6. Our bereavement ministry is open to all members and nonmembers of Corpus Christi who have experienced the death of a loved one and need assistance in the healing process. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. The session will commence at 7:00 p.m.
All high schoolers will continue to participate in the Stay Alive weekly gathering on Sunday, January 10. We ask all parents to encourage their high school children to participate in Stay Alive - a Ministry that is drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
Families With Christ is not only a faith formation program that informs, forms and transforms adults, but moreover empowers parents and guardians as well. We, the first catechists of our domestic churches, have the responsibility to be the models in the life of Faith of our children and intimately prepare their life for Sacraments. To equip our children to live as disciples of Christ into a robust, vital and life-giving Christian faith that is holistic, we should be (i) attending Holy Mass on a regular basis as well as (ii) discerning our children’s readiness to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments. If your family, for any extraordinary reason, cannot attend Mass whilst fostering your child(ren)’s Catholic faith, please contact us to address the above at your earliest convenience.
MODULE TEN The last module of the calendar year 2020 is published: The Ascension. Once again, this Module comprises of Cardinal Francis Arinze video recorded commentaries explaining the truths of the Faith.
The Benefits of the Resurrection Q. 106. What has Jesus Christ done for us through His Resurrection?\ Q. 107. How does the risen Jesus help us now?
The Ascension: Jesus Returns to the Father Q. 108. What is the meaning of the Ascension of Christ? Q. 109. What are the two distinctive aspects of the mystery of the Ascension Q. 110. What has Christ done for us through His Ascension? Q. 111. How is Christ present with the Church?
Christ the King: Center of Our Life Q. 112. What plan does God have for mankind? Q. 113. Is Jesus Christ the center of all God’s saving work?
The Corpus Christi Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, December 31, and Friday, January 1. May you and your families have a happy and richly blessed 2021!