1. Christmas Eve / Christmas Day Masses Admittance to this year’s Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses will require a ticket. Please be sure to contact the Parish Office via telephone (803-359-4391) at your earliest convenience in order to make your Mass reservation and obtain your tickets.
CHRISTMAS EVE Thursday, December 24 3:00 p.m. NO MORE SEATS AVAILABLE 5:00 p.m. NO MORE SEATS AVAILABLE 7:00 p.m. Español / Spanish 10:00 p.m. NO MORE SEATS AVAILABLE
CHRISTMAS DAY Friday, December 25 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
2. Giving Tree Due to the pandemic, our Giving Tree is taking place in a different form this year. We are partnering with Mission Lexington (formerly known as LICS – Lexington Interfaith Community Services) and Catholic Charities to help those in our community who are less fortunate. We will be collecting items from the lists requested by these two (2) organizations, which are listed in the Parish website in the button link below. Identified families will have the opportunity to select gifts for their loved ones from the items collected, and the remaining gifts will be donated to the two (2) charities. Items will be collected in the back of the church building after all Masses during this weekend, December 5 and 6, and next weekend, December 12 and 13. In lieu of gifts, monetary donations can be made to the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry. If you have questions, please tab the button below.
3. Christmas Flowers Corpus Christi invites you to donate a poinsettia in memory of a special person(s) – whose names will be listed in the Parish website and bulletin. The poinsettias will be used in our decorations for the Christmas season. Please submit your poinsettia envelope by Monday, December 14.
4. Ministers of the Mass A special schedule for all seven (7) Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses have been created and posted in the Ministry Scheduler online system - with the number of ministers still needed for each role at each Mass. If you are interested in serving as a greeter, usher, altar server, lector, Eucharistic minister or sacristan, please go to the special schedule (link below) and click on the “available spot” icon. For the special schedule, tab the button below.
5. Contributions Donations like yours make a big difference in our Parish and community life. We are eternally grateful for your contributions. Week of November 23 Total contributions: $24,807.00 Week of November 16 Total contributions: $14,521.00 Week of November 9 Total contributions: $10,330.00 Week of November 2 Total contributions: $14,791.00 Week of October 26 Total contributions: $18,091.00
6. Family Holy Hour All family members of Corpus Christi, please join Father Joseph today and every first Friday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to nurture as a community our families’ faith in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
7. First Saturday Devotion The Devotion on Saturday, December 5, will commence with the Holy Mass at 8:30 a.m., followed by Sacramental Confession. If you cannot attend, the Devotion will be broadcasted live through the Parish website under HOLY MASS.
8. CONNECT Live On First Saturday Devotion, following the 8:30 a.m. First Saturday Mass and Confession, CONNECT will livestream this month’s session on Prepare Your Heart for the Coming of the Christ Child. Come to a deeper understanding of your vocation and mission in Christ, in the Church, and in the world, and watch CONNECT Live tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. by clicking the button below.
9. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception This coming Tuesday, December 8, marks the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Feast is a Holy Day of obligation. Holy Mass will be celebrated at Corpus Christi at 6:30 p.m.
10. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Corpus Christi will have a Spanish liturgical celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe next Saturday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. The Holy Mass will include a liturgical dance (traditional).
11. Module EIGHT This module (Week 8) of the Families With Christ program is published and accessible through the Corpus Christi website. To enroll your family and/or yourself in our online catechism program, please tab on the Registration button below. Also, if your child is scheduled to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion or Confirmation during this academic year, please be sure to enroll your family in the Program. Families With Christ is not only the Parish’s Faith Formation program - adults and children - but also our Sacramental Preparation program for 2020 – 2021. For more information, please tab on the For More Info button below.
12. Youth Group All high schoolers are invited to participate in the Stay Alive weekly gathering. Every Sunday after the conclusion of the 5:00 p.m. Mass, the youth will meet with Dana Crumpton and Carmen Wilson in the Youth Ministry building until 7:30 p.m. There will be social distancing and everyone will be wearing masks. We ask all parents of high schoolers to encourage their children to participate in Stay Alive - a Youth Ministry that is drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
13. Assistance Ministry During the month of November, thanks to your generosity, we have been able to provide non-perishable supplies to 40 families and 110 individuals, as well as to assist families with their utility bills and rental expenses in the total amount of $6,375.67. We are truly grateful for all your help! For those in need of assistance, the Ministry will continue to open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Also, the Ministry is in great need of the following items: rice, pancake mix and syrup, breakfast bars, peanut butter, jelly, diapers, laundry detergent, and cereal assortment. Let us continue helping the Ministry in any way we can. God bless you. 14. Corpus Christi Women’s Group The Parish Organization is full of gratitude for all members of the Parish who donated items to our Annual Baby Shower for Birthright of Columbia during the month of October. Over 150 baby items, including diapers, wipes, blankets, clothes and other baby care items were collected! Our donations were timely and were able to be distributed as part of Birthright’s Drive-Thru Baby Shower for the local community which was held November 8th. Your generosity helped make this possible! We thank you for your support.
15. Bereavement Ministry The second session of Beloved will take place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, December 8. Beloved, a bereavement ministry to members and nonmembers of Corpus Christi who have experienced the death of a loved one and need assistance in the healing process, is facilitated by David Pelley who offers a compassionate, consoling and encouraging presence. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. The session will start at 7:00 p.m. If interested, please visit the homepage of the Parish website for more information and/or to register: https://www.corpuschristisc.org/beloved.html
16. Divine Mercy Chaplet Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet while spending time with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament - every Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. For more information, please visit the Parish website: https://www.corpuschristisc.org/divinemercy-chaplet.html