Due to our priests attending the Priests' Convocation this week, there will not be Daily Mass or Confessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Please keep all priests of the Diocese of Charleston in your daily prayers.
The Parish office will be open as usual.
Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday February 8 | 1:00 PM - 12:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration will take place this Wednesday, February 8, as scheduled. However, we are in need of adorers, particularly during the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to spend an hour in the presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. As with any ministry, there is natural attrition among adorers. We are continually looking for people who would be willing to sign up for an hour or more per week. Our goal is to have at least 6 adorers during the evening hours. Extra coverage is especially helpful when someone is out of town, or unable to keep their committed hour during a given week. Each Holy Hour needs adorers. Consider spending an hour a week with Jesus. All are welcome to worship. If you are interested in committing to an hour, please sign up by clicking the button below.
Father JohnBosco Visits Corpus Christi This Weekend February 11-12 | All Weekend Masses
Dominican Father Obinna JohnBosco Ikemeh has a vision of helping African children improve their lives through education. The Nigerian-born priest founded the African Education Outreach (AEO), a public nonprofit organization that seeks to create and maintain a quality, welcoming educational K-12 campus in Nigeria with curricula relevant to the goals and aspirations of each student - irrespective of faith, creed, tribe, ethnicity, or social status.
We are delighted that Father JohnBosco will join us next weekend. So if you see him walking around campus or inside the church, please feel free to say hello to him. He is very excited to meet the parishioners of Corpus Christi! For more information on the African Education Outreach, please click on the button below.
Join our happy Parish office crew and become an office volunteer. We are looking for friendly, helpful, compassionate, and welcoming individuals who can assist in the Parish office. If you would like to volunteer, please click on the button below. Your help makes a difference!
Families with children in our faith formation programs, please read the following schedule for the month of February.
Sunday, February 12 Normal class schedule for grades K through RCIT No Confirmation Class on Sunday evening High School Life-Teen will meet at the usual time of 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 19 No Classes - President's Day Weekend
Sunday, February 26 No Classes for grades K through RCIT Confirmation Class will meet at 6:15 p.m. High School Life-Teen will meet at the usual time of 6:00 p.m.
Bake Sale Fundraiser February 18-19
Lenten Mission: Repent and Believe February 26-28 | 6:30 PM
Corpus Christi invites everyone to join us for our next Parish Mission with Father Joseph Tuscan on Sunday, February 26, Monday, February 27, and Tuesday, February 28, starting at 6:30 p.m. Father Tuscan is a fantastic preacher and a wonderful Franciscan who will inspire us greatly in the life of faith. We are overjoyed to bring him here.
The theme Repent and Believe will address the following topics: On the Greatest Threat to Holiness Today The Biblical Gifts of Forgiveness, Justice & Mercy St. Joseph, Model of Family Life
Save the date and spread the word!
Fish Fry and Other Meatless Meals Lenten Dinners
The Knights of a Columbus are sponsoring the Lenten Dinner events every Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. starting on February 24 until March 31. The purpose of the fundraiser is to raise money for vocation and Church ministries. FISH FRY February 24, March 3, March 17, March 24 Baked & Fried Fish French Fries & Onion Rings Hush Puppies & Cole Slaw Desserts & Drinks COST Tickets sold after all weekend Masses starting on Saturday, February 18 Cost: $18 per adult if ticket bought after Mass; $20 at the door (cash or check accepted) KIDS Ages 12 & Under Menu: Fish Sticks, Mac & Cheese, Dessert, and Drink Cost: $5
MEATLESS PASTA, SIDE SALAD & BREAD March 10 Per Person: $5 Per Family: $20
MEATLESS SOUP AND SANDWICH SPREAD March 31 Per Person: $5 Per Family: $20
Pláticas de Preparación para el Sacramento de Bautismo Febrero 10, Abril 14, Junio 9, Agosto 11, Octubre 13
Se ofrecen pláticas de preparación para el Sacramento de Bautismo para los padres registrados en Corpus Christi y padrinos. Si usted es un padre, miembro de la Parroquia, que desea bautizar a su hija/o y necesita asistir a las clases pre-bautismales, por favor toque el botón azul abajo o comuníquense con María Coller en la oficina de la Parroquia al (803) 359-4391. Los padres deben estar registrados y asistiendo activamente a Misa en Corpus Christi los sábados de vigilia o los domingos por un periodo mínimo de tres (3) meses antes de solicitar el Sacramento de Bautismo. Con el comprobante de las pláticas y certificado de nacimiento de su bebé, los padres podrán proseguir a reservar la fecha del bautismo. Las pláticas se llevarán acabo en el edificio adonde esta colocada la bandera de los Estados Unidos a las 7:00 PM los siguientes viernes: febrero 10, abril 14, junio 9, agosto 11, octubre 13.
Upon the death of a parishioner, members of the Legion of Mary will recite the Holy Rosary for the intentions of the deceased. Prior to the funeral Mass for a parishioner, legionaries will meet inside the church building for the prayer service. This beautiful service is optional to the family of the deceased, and if requested, it will be arranged during the funeral planning process. More information coming soon.
Corpus Christi's Life Teen Youth Group invites you to join us for our Fat Tuesday Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, February 21, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This fundraiser will assist our youth with the costs of traveling to the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis in November of this year. The menu will include pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee, and juice. Our youth look forward to seeing you on Fat Tuesday to celebrate the beginning of the Lenten Season.
Corpus Christi Needs You
As Corpus Christi and our greater community continues to grow, your support is urgently needed and gratefully received. Please take time to become an online giver. It is safe, secure and easy. You can setup a weekly or monthly recurring payment. To become an online giver, please click on the OSV Online Giving logo below, and receive our heartfelt appreciation for your financial support. We will be stewarding your generosity to bear great fruit!
We invite you to join us on February 22 as we begin our Lenten journey to the cross of Good Friday, the empty grave, and the gift of new life on Easter. Ash Wednesday sets the tone for our journey through Lent, a season which begins with the ancient practice of marking the baptized with ashes as a public and communal sign of penance.
Mass Times 12:15 P.M. English Mass | Misa en Inglés
6:00 P.M. English Mass | Misa en Inglés
7:15 P.M. Spanish Mass | Misa en Español
Prayer Intentions
As one family in Christ, let us continue to pray for each other, as well as for those in our community who are ill, suffering or in need. Diane Israel, Teri Kopp, Betty Kirchner, Priests of the Diocese, Gary Winton, Ron Davis, Jacques and Claire Becker, John Stealy, Dale Fosky, Viola Cleo Bradshaw, Glynn Caroll, Casey McKee, O'neal Gerard Lagassi, Benjamin Defanti, Mitch Earwood, Brian Johnson, Logan Savoie, Jennifer Frank, Josephine Ferrell, Berni Lewis, Elaine Smith, Charlie Evitt, Ronnie Hawkins, Shirlene Polk, Cooper Schultz, Patricia Edmunds, Sharon Torbett, Francisco Ramis, Roberta Malejko, Lauren Harmon DuBose, Carol Werner, David Sutton, Donald Clifton, Fred Barton, Ivonne Carter, Mary Carter, Marlon Duran, Jaxson Rivera, Jacob Rivera, Cathy Embry, and Sue Jumper Smith.
Christ Renews His Parish is a unique, parish-based faith renewal experience for women on the weekend of February 25-26. This parishioner led experience is designed to foster a sense of community within Corpus Christi. Participants will grow in discipleship and come away with a renewed spirit and strengthened faith. Any adult women who is interested making a deeper connection to their faith and the Corpus Christi community should come. Participants include women of all ages - moms, singles, seniors, young adults - all are welcome to rest, renew and recharge. Interested in joining CRHP at the end of this month? To register today, click on the button below.
On January 27, we sent a written acknowledgement to all donors who gave to Corpus Christi more than $249 throughout the calendar year 2022 - to claim their deduction on their individual income tax return. 485 tax acknowledgment letters were mailed via USPS last to the attention of the donor, following the rules set forth in the IRS Publication 1771. We would like to reiterate our heartfelt appreciation for your financial support in helping Corpus Christi. We will be stewarding your generosity to bear great fruit!
Frequently Asked Questions Q. If I gave a payment for a mass intention, why is it not included in my tax letter? A. Mass stipends are not tax-deductible according to IRS regulations. A “Mass stipend” refers to money offered for a Mass to be prayed for a certain intention. And since a payment for a Mass intention is received by a priest for offering a Mass, it is the result of a performance of service. Therefore, it is not classified as a tax-free gift.
Q. If I contributed to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal and/or to the Bicentennial Campaign, why are these contributions not included in my tax report? A. While contributions to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal and/or Bicentennial Campaign are tax-deductible, a formal diocesan acknowledgement letter will be sent to you directly from the Diocese of Charleston via USPS detailing your 2022 donations to claim a tax deduction.
Q. I do not see on my letter specific collections that I gave last year, why is that? A. The software that we use categorizes your contributions into fund categories rather than stating each individual collection. Contributions made to the Assistance Ministry, Building Fund, and Youth Ministry will be reflected under the fund category “Other Funding Sources.” includes: Assistance Ministry, the Building Fund, Youth Ministry. Any contributions made to these collections would be included under “Other Funding Sources.” Contributions under the fund category “Diocesan Collections” include: Black and Indian Home Missions, Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Charities, Catholic Communications Campaign, Home Mission Appeal, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic University of America, Church in Eastern Europe, Church in Latin America, Solidarity Fund, Guatemalan Missions, Infirm Priests, Mission Sunday, Seminary and the Retirement Fund for the Religious.
Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM in English | 8:00 PM en Español Every Friday during Lent, come worship with us by praying the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. in English and 8:00 p.m. in Spanish, a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. The stations are commonly used as a mini-pilgrimage as we move from station to station. At each station, we will recall and meditate on a specific event from Christ’s last day. Specific prayers will be recited, then we will move to the next station until all 14 are complete.
The Veil Removed
The Veil Removed is a beautiful 8-minute short film offering us a glimpse of what we believe with our hearts and minds but cannot see with our eyes, that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and what we consume in the form of bread and wine is the Body and Blood of Christ our Savior. The film reveals the coming together of Heaven and Earth at Mass, as witnessed by saints and mystic visions, and revealed by Scripture and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We particularly encourage parents to show it to their children so they can visualize and better understand the reality of the Holy Mass.
Edge & Life Teen CORE Adult Leaders
Do you want to get involved with our Youth Ministry? We are in need of Adult CORE Leaders for Edge and Life Teen - our new faith formation programs for middle school (6-8) and high school (9-12) respectively. The goal of Edge and Life Teen is for our youth to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way, and to evangelize teens into life-long disciples. For more information about becoming an Adult CORE Leader for Edge or Life Teen, please click on the button below.
CGA for All Catholics Second Wednesdays of the Month
CGA is happy to announce that it will be dropping the “50 plus” age requirement and will now be open to all adult Catholics. We hope this change will encourage more parishioners to consider joining, help us to continue to foster spiritual growth and fellowship within the Ministry.
The Catechism in a Year With Father Mike Schmitz
If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life, this podcast is for you. In it, you will read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days, understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter, see how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture, absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition, encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness, and transform your relationship with the Church that Christ founded. Visit our Parish app today and click on the icon “Catechism 1-Yr” to start giving God a chance to grow with you this year in this extraordinary journey through the Catechism.
March Parish Mission March 31 & April 1
Make plans to join us for our Palm Sunday weekend Parish Mission on Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1, with Father Scott Francis Binet of the Missionaries of Mercy. A consecrated religious in perpetual vows with the Order of St. Camillus and a diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine, Father Binet oversees a unique ministry that takes him primarily throughout Florida, South Carolina and Georgia as well as on foreign mission trips — including a recent medical mission with indigenous populations in Central America. He also has practiced medicine and served as a missionary priest in countries such as Indonesia, Haiti, and Sudan.
This bilingual two-day retreat will focus on Divine Mercy Healing and will offer workshops in both English and Spanish. Please reserve the date and spread the word. More information coming very soon.
The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina
The Catholic Appeal of South Carolina, formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, is the annual effort that puts faith into action by supporting the critical ministries, parishes, and schools of the Diocese of Charleston, which encompasses the entire state of South Carolina. Your generosity to the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina will sustain and bolster the crucial statewide work of our Church, which consists of: 94 parishes, 21 missions, 32 schools, 103 diocesan priests, 195 permanent deacons, 21 campus ministries, 21 youth ministry programs, and 15 Catholic Charities locations. By answering Christ’s call to carry forth His mission and be good stewards, supporters of the Catholic Appeal are lighting the way for our Church to remain ever-present across South Carolina, ensuring hope and support for all who seek it.
Assistance Ministry Annual Report Calendar Year 2022
It’s been quite a year and we would like to let you know of the amazing accomplishments we have been able to achieve thanks to your consistent and overwhelming generosity. On behalf of our director, Dolores Aleixo, and our 15 volunteers, we thank you for making the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry not only possible, but a thriving success! In 2022, 685 people came to us seeking food for themselves and their family members. In total we provided food for 2,192 people. These numbers reflect an increase in both individuals coming to pick up food (444) and the total amount of people we fed (1,457) in 2021. Since May, when we started keeping weight records, we have distributed 20,322 pounds of food! All our food is provided to us by your unending kindness, mercy and generosity. Additionally, we paid utilities or rent for 273 people. Of these, 155 payments went to Dominion Electric, while 61 went to Mid-Carolina Electric Co-Op, and the remaining 57 payments went to water companies or landlords for rent. Truly, you have taken Jesus’ words from Matthew 25:40 to heart when He says, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Your Assistance Ministry is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Food distribution volunteers work each day while the office volunteers work on Tuesday and Thursdays. They help clients that call or email seeking assistance with utilities bills, specifically electric and water, as well as overdue rent payments. We have very specific areas that we help monetarily, and each family has a lifetime maximum of $250.00.
Our volunteers know the positive impact our Ministry has on all those that receive food or financial support from us. Time and time again we hear how grateful and appreciative they are, especially those that find themselves in need for the first time. Tears have been shed on many occasions. We have even created a list with the name and address of other food pantries in the area to give to our recipients. In May we purchased a street sign to display on Augusta Highway on the days we are open for food distribution, helping increase our outreach to those that need us. Just as Father Joseph tells us to share God’s light with others, please share our Assistance Ministry with others. It is through this sharing that the Harbour Watch Neighborhood’s Women’s Bible Study made our ministry the beneficiaries of their 6th Annual Holiday Food Drive.
We wholeheartedly extend our deepest appreciation for your continued prayers, support and generosity. May our Heavenly Father continue to richly bless and fill your lives with His peace.
DIRECTOR Dolores M. Aleixo
VOLUNTEERS Ann Yacalavitch, Bobbie Hrytsay, Carol Newell, Donna Farrell, Gary Pontiere, Janice Jordan, Joan Barnhart, JoAnn Karst, Linda Robarge, Lois Walden, Marie Breem, Marlene Carter, Mary Cinquemani, Pam Collins, Sarah Jones, Tricia Scmidt, Wally Zaleski
2023 High School Youth Conference
We have 15 high school youth members of our Parish who will be attending our diocesan youth conference (DYC) on March 4-5. This year's theme is "I Am the Bread of Life." We ask that you keep our high schoolers in your prayers, and ask that the Holy Spirit to enlighten His fire inside them to become missionary disciples.
Parish App Apple and Android Phones
Corpus Christi is excited to announce the release of our own Parish app, available in English and Spanish for parishioners to download on both Apple iPhones and Android phones today. We have been working diligently to enhance our service, and we strongly believe our first-class Parish app will further improve our communication and outreach while offering the features that parishioners enjoy.
Features Calendar, Parish messages, daily Mass readings, Parish info, Mass and Confession times, Parish news and events, bulletins, live stream of Masses, prayers with reminders and requests, examination of conscience and next Confession reminder, latest Catholic news, and many other resources and famous podcasts such as Inspire Daily, CatholicMom, Gentleman, Audio Bible, Audio Rosary, Real Life Catholic, Reflections, and Fr. Mike Schmitz, among others.
Test Drive It From your Apple or Android device, select your app store below to download our new app today.
Every Contribution Is Hugely Valued December 19 - January 30 Week of January 30 $24,587.45
Week of January 23 $18,266.25
Week of January 16 $14,531.40
Week of January 9 $15,738.60
Week of January 2 $17,419.60
Week of December 26 $26,535.10
Week of December 19 $40,924.13
Confession in Spanish
Confessions are offered in Spanish on Wednesdays from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturdays after the 7PM Saturday Vigil Mass, or by appointment.
Live Stream of Weekday & Weekend Masses
For those who cannot attend Holy Mass because of health concerns, you may worship from home. Utilizing two upgraded cameras for audio and video quality improvement, the Parish will continue to broadcast live the weekend Masses as well as all weekday Masses. To watch the broadcast, click on the LiveControl logo on the top right side of our Parish website, as well as on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page.
Rite of Christian Initiation Every Sunday | 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Are you baptized but have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation? If so, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the place to be. The RCIA journey is comprised of four phases - with each phase focused on coming to know the Lord more deeply. The person seeking to join the Church is introduced to beliefs, life, liturgy and ministry in the Catholic community. For more information, please click the button below.
Every month, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention. Let us join him with millions of other people worldwide in praying for his monthly intention.
FOR PARISHES We pray that parishes, placing communion at the center, may increasingly become communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.