Together in prayer, turning to God at this moment as never before, we will continue to celebrate the Holy Mass and prayer services virtually until further notice. In brief,
(i) Sunday Mass: The celebration of the Holy Mass will be broadcasted LIVE from Corpus Christi at 10:00 AM. Please visit our website to watch the livestream broadcast of the Mass:
(ii) Daily Mass: The celebration of the daily Mass will continue to be broadcasted live from Corpus Christi every day, Monday through Saturday, at 12:15 PM. Please visit our website to watch the daily Mass live:
(iv) Celebrations of Sacraments - Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation: All sacramental celebrations are suspended until further notice. Currently there is no timeline on the table. Unfortunately, we do not know if this pandemic will prolong the suspension until May, June or worse; only this virus will decide the timeline. We wish we had a tangible answer. In the interim, let us continue to stay together in prayer and communication.
(v) Resources for Enriching the Faith of Children, Youth and Adults: Corpus Christi has provided resources to assist parishioners with faith formation material that families can use from home - readings, videos and activities that the children and youth can go through with parents and/or independently. The material and resources in the Corpus Christi website comes directly from the religious education curriculums and programs of the Parish - each grade level can access pending workbook lessons, video sessions, and chapter activities. Corpus Christi will continue to add further material to the website every week:
(vi) Worship from Home: Corpus Christi will continue to livestream prayer services in the morning (8AM), midday (12PM) and evening hours (5PM) through our website:
(vii) Offertory and Online Giving: Please take time to become an online giver. It is safe, secure and easy. You can setup a weekly recurring payment or make a one-time contribution through the Parish website. Your continued support of Corpus Christi is urgently needed and gratefully received during this difficult time:
(viii) Church Building: The church building will continue to be open from 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM. Disinfectants have been applied to hard surfaces and in the restrooms of the church building, and will continue to be applied weekly.
(ix) Parish App: The Corpus Christi mobile app is live and ready in the app store for Android, and accessible for Apple and Windows phones via the Parish website (click on the App link, on the upper right side of the website):
We continue to pray for our Corpus Christi family, for healing for those directly and indirectly afflicted with the pandemic. May our Blessed Mother intercede with her Son - for those who are hurting, the vulnerable and the fearful. May our response to this crisis be strengthened through prayer and sacrifice as our Lenten journey continues. We are truly grateful for your prayerful support.
May the Lord God continue to protect and richly bless you and your families.