Corpus Christi is hosting the 9th Annual Golf Outing to be held at The Country Club of Lexington on Monday, October 17. All proceeds will benefit the Corpus Christi Catholic Church Assistance Ministry. For further information, please click on the button below.
2021-22 confirmands (10th grade students) will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on October 23 at 11:00 a.m. Below is a timeline of the remainder of events leading up to the celebration of the Confirmation Mass.
Sunday, October 16 Confirmation Rehearsal with Sponsor in the Church building at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, October 22 Confirmation Retreat for both the Confirmation student and their respective Sponsor from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, October 23 Confirmation Mass at 11:00 a.m. Students and sponsors will report to the Old Church building by 9:45 a.m.
Please be sure that your children are attending Holy Mass every weekend. If you have any questions concerning the above and/or need further information regarding your student's baptism certificate, sponsor, saint report or saint name, please tab the button below.
Praying for a Strong Version of H. 5399 October 17 | 7:00 PM
Corpus Christi is hosting a Rosary prayer service inside the church on Monday, October 17, at 7:00 p.m. The Diocese is encouraging all parishes to designate this special hour to pray the Holy Rosary for the intention of “passing a strong pro-life version of H. 5399 to be considered October 18 by the S.C. Senate.” All parishioners and community members are invited to join us along with hundreds of other prayer services taking place all across the State of South Carolina as we fervently pray for this paramount intention.
Planning Your Wedding
Though we at Corpus Christi know what an exciting and special time this is for every couple, we also know that it can also be a bit overwhelming at times too. The goal of the new manual Planning Your Wedding is to help make the process of planning the wedding a smooth and enjoyable one. We hope that everyone find this guide both informative and helpful. To read and/or share it, please click on the button below.
Please take time to become an online giver. It is safe, secure and easy. You can setup a weekly or monthly recurring payment, or make a one-time contribution. Your continued support of Corpus Christi is urgently needed and gratefully received during these difficult times. To become an online giver, please click on the OSV Online Giving logo below.
Updated Class Roster Religious Education | 9:15 - 10:45 AM
The Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry extends their extreme gratitude to all parishioners that continue to support us and those we serve. Your consistent generosity continues to awe us each week. We continue to serve an increasing amount of people and have been able to meet that need because of your kindness. During the months of August and September, thanks to your generosity, we were able to provide 6,482 pounds of non-perishable supplies to 166 families and 263 individuals, as well as to assist families with their utility bills and rental expenses in the total amount of $9,078.85. We thank you all and continue to pray that God will bless each of you and your families.
Support Women in Crisis Pregnancy Situations Corpus Christi Women's Group
Birthright of Columbia is blessed to have the Corpus Christi Women’s Group organizing a Baby Shower throughout the month of October for the benefit of new mothers and their babies. All parishioners are invited to bring articles of clothing, blankets, diapers, baby wash, and other toiletry items during the next three weekends. The donations collected will help keep the clothing and supply room at Birthright stocked, and assist mothers who have just given birth by receiving a collection of items that will enable them to begin caring for their babies.
Solemnity of All Saints November 1 | 6:30 PM
The Holy Mass will start at 7:00 p.m. The children will enter in procession with Father Joseph, reverence the altar with a bow, and return to their families. Make plans to join us for a special All Saint's Day celebration on Tuesday, November 1st. All children are encouraged to dress up as a saint as they will join Father Joseph around the altar to pray the Litany of the Saints along with all the faithful present at the service. The Holy Mass will start at 7:00 p.m. The children will enter in procession with Father Joseph, reverence the altar with a bow, and return to their families. During the Mass, the children will be asked to come forward and name their respective saints. Immediately following Mass, the children will proceed to the Parish Hall for Trick-or-Treat fun. All are welcome.
9th Graders November 6 | 9:15 - 10:45 AM
9th Grade students will start their second-year Confirmation classes on November 6 in the Old Church building. If you have any questions, please click the button below.
Intentions Remembered Every Week Wednesdays | 12:00 PM
For those who would like to have their intentions remembered without waiting extended periods of time, the Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Mass is offered for all "Wednesday Intentions" requested that week. Intentions are to be submitted online by 10:00 each Wednesday as they will be announced prior to Mass that same day.
All gifts are donated to our Assistance Ministry in order to help our neighbors in need. To submit a "Wednesday Intention," please tab the button below.
For a Church Open to Everyone Month of October 2022
Every month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. Let us join him with millions of other people worldwide in praying for his monthly intention.
FOR A CHURCH OPEN TO EVERYONE We pray for the Church; ever faithful to, and courageous in preaching the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fraternity and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.
Hispanic Food Fair November 6 | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Offer A Prayer
We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for those in our community who are ill, suffering or in need, in particular for:
Roberta Malejko, Fred Barton, Joe Abdalla, Ruth Chapman, Fran Dougherty, Dan Dougherty, David Sutton, Carol Werner, Brooks Boy, Ivone Carter, Mary Carter, Stephen Becker, Sharon Torbett, Marlon Duran, Laura Ramis, Jaxson Rivera, Jacob Rivera, Cathy Embry, Sue Jumper Smith, Jim O’Neil, Father Mike Koncik, Peter Buttress, Ellen Emmer, Dolores Fosky, Martha Grosse, Nettie Taylor, Margarita Palacios, Tom Robinson, Dick Clinton, Kevin Noonan, Becky Kirchner, Jim O'neill, Luke Fossell, Pat and Horace Davis, Cheryl Carter, June Bearden, Kathy Olson, Jennifer Frank, Kathy Grave, Stephen Thorne, Alan Arsenault, Ellie Wargo, Ines Rivero, Francisco Ramis, Antionette Davis, Patricia Edmonds, Brian Johnson, Ruth Donahue, Chester Zondlewski, Robert Kirchner, Logan Savoie, Donna Lybrand.
Rite of Christian Initiation Every Sunday | 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Are you baptized but have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation? If so, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the place to be. The RCIA journey is comprised of four phases - with each phase focused on coming to know the Lord more deeply. The person seeking to join the Church is introduced to beliefs, life, liturgy and ministry in the Catholic community. For more information, please click the button below.
The Knights of Columbus Essay Contest encourages our youth to be more connected to our community and our faith. The goal of this contest program is to encourage young Catholics in grades 8 to 12 (public, private, parochial or home schools during the current school year) to be more connected in their community and their faith. The essay should be 500-750 words on the following topic:
Explain how young Catholics can evangelize our faith to families and friends who have turned away from religion and encourage them to return to the Church and embrace the sacraments.
If your child wishes to enter the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, please click on the button below. On the Entry Form, please write Council Number 11325. Entrants will be judged on grammar, style, and how clearly they present the theme in a way that showcases creativity, imagination and overall development of the topic. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Hibbs via email: [email protected].
The "Meeting of the Minds" is set up to assist the Parish’s apostolic work, whether in the field of evangelization and sanctification or in the fields of charity, social relations and the rest. The meeting will include leaders of ministries, associations and undertakings (the autonomy and particular nature of each remaining untouched). The function of this meeting is to investigate and to weigh matters which bear on pastoral activity, and to formulate practical conclusions regarding them.
WHEN Wednesday, October 26, at 6:30 PM
WHERE Parish Hall
Working on Weekends? Traveling? St. Thomas More Catholic Church