All participants of the Corpus Christi FAMILIES WITH CHRIST catechism program will have full access to WEEK FOUR’s new lesson on Monday, October 26. All the modules and platforms for Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 are already published in the Parish website, including their respective reading material, video support, resources, assessment, felicitations, intercessions, thanksgiving, and words of encouragement, as well as the livestream broadcast of the Ask Father Joseph Q&A live session (Wednesday, October 28) and the Family Loveprayer service (Friday, October 30). For the new schedule of the online Program, please
The public funeral Mass of our beloved parishioner Helen Laska-Gavryck will be celebrated at Corpus Christi tomorrow Saturday, October 24, at 1:30 p.m. If you cannot attend the funeral service, the Mass will be broadcasted live through the Parish website. May her soul, through the mercy of our Lord, rest in peace.
Birthright of Columbia is blessed to have the Corpus Christi Women’s Group organizing aBaby Showerthis weekend for the benefit of new mothers and their babies. All parishioners are invited to bring articles of clothing, blankets, diapers, baby wash, and other toiletry items this weekend of October 24 and 25. The donations collected (in the vestibule area of the church building) will help keep the clothing and supply room at Birthright stocked, and assist mothers who have just given birth by receiving a collection of items that will enable them to begin caring for their babies. For the Wish List, please click on the bottom below.
The Knights of Columbus Essay Contest encourages our youth to be more connected to our community and our faith. The goal of this contest program is to involve young Catholics in grades 8 to 12 - public, private, parochial or home schools during the current school year - in civic discourse and instill in them religious and life-affirming values. The essay should be 500-750 words on the following topic: “Discuss how trusting in God during a difficult time has helped you or someone you know find the strength and hope to endure it. Consider especially those times when it was a challenge to understand why something was happening. Consider also sharing any lessons about faith and hope you or someone you know may have learned from this experience.” Entrants will be judged on grammar, style, and how clearly they present the theme in a way that showcases creativity, imagination and overall development of the topic. All essays are due by Friday, November 6. Entry forms are in vestibule area of the church building.
The All Souls’ Day Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated on Monday, November 2, at 5:00 p.m. To commemorate our faithful departed, we invite everyone to bring a photo of your loved one which will be placed in front of the altar together with a lit memorial candle. The candles will be provided by the Parish, placed in the vestibule area. Suggested donation is $5.
Every week, Corpus Christi will be celebrating Holy Mass in Spanish on Saturday evenings. The Saturday Vigil Mass will be administered by our parochial vicar, Father Gustavo Corredor, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Confessions will be offered in Spanish on Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and at the end of the Holy Mass.
A new novena commenced on Thursday, October 22, to prepare for the beatification of Father Michael J. McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus. Please pray with Father Joseph during the livestream of the Midday Prayer Service at noon, and join the novena asking for Father McGivney's intercession in your life. The prayers are meant to be said over nine days until October 30. Father McGivney will be beatified, the final step before canonization as a saint, on Saturday, October 31. From that day on, he will be known as Blessed Michael McGivney.
Are you someone or do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic, or was baptized but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation? If so, RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is always ready to accept those inquiring into becoming fully initiated Catholic Christians. The RCIA process is comprised of four phases - with each phase focused on coming to know the Lord more deeply. The person seeking to join the Church is introduced to beliefs, life, liturgy and ministry in the Catholic community. For more information, please click the bottom below.
Your donations - food and financial - have allowed the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry to serve our neighbors in need. During the month of September, thanks to your generosity, the Parish has been able to provide non-perishable supplies to 40 families and 100 individuals, as well as to assist families with their utility bills and rental expenses in the total amount of $6,375.67. We are truly grateful for all your help! For those in need of assistance, the Ministry will continue to open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For the list of non-perishables items that the Ministry is currently in need, please click below.
The souls in Purgatory, faithful Catholics like us, can no longer help themselves get to Heaven we can. They need our help. As we approach the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, on November 2, Father Joseph is asking the congregation to do with him three things: (i) pray and make sacrifices for the dead by visiting the Columbarium each day from November 1 through November 8; (ii) submit your intentions for our Novena of Masses by completing and returning the Remembrance envelope (sent via mail last week) with names listed; and (iii) contribute to the support of the priests in the Holy Land - who will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Poor Souls in one of the Shrines in Israel - by submitting names and stipend for each person to the Parish Office to be forwarded accordingly (minimum offering of $10 per name or married couples).
Aplenaryindulgence, applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, is granted when one devoutly visits a cemetery, such as the Parish Columbarium, and prays for the faithful departed. Aplenaryindulgence is bestowed for this prescribed work each day between November 1 and November 8 - if you are Catholic, not excommunicated and in schism, and you follow the prescribed conditions listed below. Theplenaryindulgences are applied to departed souls to bring the necessary restoration and reparation without further sufferings that would normally accompany it. The prescribed CONDITIONS: (i) Be in a good relationship with God, free from mortal sin, and an interior disposition of complete detachment from any sin, venial or mortal, at the time each indulgenced work is completed; (ii) Sacramental Confession within 20 days before or after the indulgenced work. One (1) Confession suffices for several plenary indulgences; (iii) Receive Holy Communion for EACH plenary indulgence. The condition must be satisfied within 20 days before or after each indulgenced work; (iv) Pray for the intentions of the Pope on the same day the indulgenced work is performed. Prayer is left to the choice of the faithful, but an OUR FATHER and a HAIL MARY are suggested.
We extend our CONGRATULATIONS to the thirty students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Robert Guglielmone on October 13: Yariana Acevedo, Graziella Addas, Isabella Addas, Monishka Bhojani, Joshua Calvert, Tucker Chapman, Michael Clancy, Nicholas DeSanty, Emma Hawkins, Tracey Immerso, Jessica James, Garren Jenness, Nelly Kakou, Sophia Kealey, Ashley Kornet, Logan Malinowski, Reese Marcum, Jesus Martinez, Luke McKenna, Gabriella Minogue, Aidan Murphy, Alejandro Perez, Antonio Perez, Sarah Quales, Elena Ramis, Alma Rios-Martinez, Madison Rogers, Angel David Sepulveda, Corinne White, and Connor Wood. Let us pray for them that, as confirmed Catholic Christians, their lives may produce a rich harvest of good works for the Roman Catholic Church and the world.
We are extremely grateful to all the sponsors and individuals who participated in our 7th Annual Corpus Christi Golf Outing held at The Country Club of Lexington last Monday, October 19. It turned out to be a wonderful success, and we could not have done it without their help. Thank you! (All the proceeds will benefit the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry.)
The students that completed the First Communion 8-week summer online program (4th to 8th CCD grade level students) will celebrate the Sacrament of First Holy Communion during the month of November. Parents will be contacted by the Parish office next week to discuss the details regarding the above.
The Parish Office received the news that the Very Reverend Gary Linsky, Rector of The Basilica of Saint Peter, recently contracted COVID-19. Please add Father Gary in your daily prayers, that he may recover and be in good health soon.
Prayer, the lifting of the mind and heart to God, plays an essential role in the life of a devout Catholic. Prayer services allow us to adore God by acknowledging His almighty power, as well as to bring our thanks, our petitions, and our sorrow for sin before Him. Through our prayer services, let us come together as a family to petition for the intentions of our fellow parishioners and nonmembers of Corpus Christi. Please visit the Parish website to request any intercession for yourself and/or others, as well as to remember in your daily prayers the intentions mentioned in our Prayer List.
We thank you for your financial support in helping Corpus Christi share the Gospel message in innumerable ways. Donations like yours make a big difference, and, for this, we are eternally grateful.
For the week of October 12, contributions totaled $12,468 (online donations totaled $4,007; donations dropped in the basket, mailed and dropped through the mail slot totaled $8,461).
For the week of October 5, contributions totaled $13,960 (online donations totaled $3,452; donations dropped in the basket, mailed and dropped through the mail slot totaled $10,508).
For the week of September 28, contributions totaled $18,282 (online donations totaled $6,972; donations dropped in the basket, mailed and dropped through the mail slot totaled $11,310).
The Family Holy Hour takes place every first Friday of the month, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., to nurture families’ faith in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Next month, the liturgy of the Holy Hour will be celebrated on Friday, November 6.
The Devotion on Saturday, November 7, will commence with the Holy Mass at 8:30 a.m. - followed by Eucharistic Adoration and Sacramental Confessions. If you cannot, the Devotion will be broadcasted live through the Parish website.
For those who cannot attend Mass and other liturgical celebrations because of the epidemic, continue to worship from home as the Parish will continue to broadcast live all weekday Masses in addition to the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass, the Spanish 7:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass, and the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, as well as to all other liturgical celebrations and prayer services. We encourage all parents to watch with their children the celebration of the weekend Mass, as well as one (1) weekday Mass and one (1) prayer service every week. As the domestic church, let us take time every week to teach our children the radical mystery of God’s love expressed in the Eucharist, and, together as a family with Christ, let us have a deeper, more intimate union with the God of the universe along with our spouses and children.
Saturday, October 16, at 5PM = 117 Saturday SPANISH at 7PM = 127 Sunday, October 17, at 8AM = 102 Sunday at 11:00 AM = 139 Sunday at 5:00 PM = 118
Saturday, October 9, at 5PM = 109 Sunday, October 10, at 8AM = 192 Sunday at 11:00 AM = 130 Sunday at 5:00 PM = 165
On behalf of the Parish office, we want to thank all of you for your continuous prayers, support and love. May God’s grace continue to be poured out upon all of us, and may He richly bless us with an even deeper understanding of His love and purposes as we live for Him!