Our Parish is blessed with many ministries and service organizations, all of them staffed entirely by volunteers. Like you, these people recognize they have gifts from God and they want to express their gratitude by helping others. The problem, however, is that we may get tired, begin to burn out, or lose our motivation. We all need a spiritual lift from time to time, and we believe this program can give us that.
The focus of the workshop is the parish family growing in prayer and faith. The aim is to foster spiritual renewal and growth for those who serve in our parish. Every person involved in ministry, at any level, should attend.
Please take a few moments now to mark this event on your calendar and make plans to join us on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. for Mass followed by a continental breakfast. The Appreciation workshop will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the church. In thanksgiving for all that you give in love a luncheon will be provided after the workshop in the Parish Hall. There will be a closing prayer and dismissal after lunch.
Please RSVP on or before September 5 by clicking the button below.
Corpus Christi is honored and delighted to host the great Vince Ambrosetti, 2001 Catholic Artist of the Year and three-time Grammy nominee, for a three-day Parish Mission titled "Future Full of Hope" from Sunday, September 11, to Tuesday, September 13, starting every evening at 6:30 p.m.
This invitation is for the entire Columbia area. We look forward to seeing you!
Religious Education September 11 | 9:15 AM
All Religious Education classes, the First Communion sacramental preparation program, and RCIA return to weekly instruction starting on Sunday, September 11, from 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. We ask all families to please register at the earliest convenience by clicking the button below. We will communicate more information next week.
The Study of Isaiah September 20 at 7:30 PM | September 22 at 9:30 AM
Adult Bible Study sessions begin in the fall starting on September 20. We will meet in the Parish Hall building on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., with repeated sessions taking place on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
The study of Isaiah has 13 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 12 lessons. The study books are available for purchase through Online Giving. The cost of the Bible study book is $23.00. To purchase the study book today, please click on the button below.
We are pleased to announce that Corpus Christi Parish will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. This celebration applies to all students who were enrolled in our 2021-22 Confirmation Year II program (last year). Additional information, including information on sponsors, baptism certificates, will be communicated at an upcoming parent and student meeting soon to be announced.
Blood Drive September 4 | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Blood Connection invites you to sign up for the Blood Drive taking place at Corpus Christi on Sunday, September 4, from 9:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m. Donors will receive a $20 eGift card. Guidelines and norms will be implemented to protect the health of our community. Please click the button below to sign-up for your donation.
Our website is a reflection of Corpus Christi and everything that we stand for. For this reason, we are pleased to announce that we redesigned the Parish website keeping YOU in mind as we try to ensure that it improves your experience. One of the biggest benefits of the new website design is that it will help everyone navigate the site easily. Our ultimate goal is for you to quickly find the information that you are looking for. We hope the new design makes that process easier and helps you navigate the website with ease providing the best user experience.
Funeral Mass of Mervin Daly September 8 | 11:00 AM
A funeral Mass will be offered for the departed soul of our beloved parishioner Mervin Lawrence Daly. If you cannot attend the funeral service, the Mass will be broadcasted live through the Parish website. May his soul, through God’s mercy, rest in peace.
Voter Registration September 10-11 | September 17-18
The Knights of Columbus will be having a Voter Registration table during all Masses on September 10th and 11th, and September 17th and 18th. This gives all parishioners an opportunity to register to vote in November. You must bring a current valid ID or a copy of a current utility bill. Take advantage of this opportunity to determine the direction you want this country to move!
Bake Sale Fundraiser September 17-18
The Corpus Christi Women’s Group is hosting their Annual Bake Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, September 17th, and Sunday, September 18th, after all weekend Masses. Pies, cake and brownies galore, so join us for all the sweets you adore.
The Knights of Columbus will be offering their wonderful Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, September 17, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Sign-up sheets will be available in the vestibule area after every Mass during the weekend of September 10-11.
MENU Spaghetti and Meatballs in Sauce, Garlic Bread, Lettuce Salad
Vascular and Stroke Ultrasound Screening September 22
Do you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol? Do you have a family history of heart disease, stroke, or diabetes? If any of these are true, do not miss this opportunity for early detection of a possible serious disease. Stroke Scan Plus will host a stroke and vascular ultrasound screening at Corpus Christi, on Thursday, September 22. Day and evening appointments will be available to accommodate most working schedules. This event has identified people within our Parish with unknown disease. Please consider these services for yourself or a loved one. Preregistration is necessary and appointments are limited. Please call (866) 935-7226 to schedule an appointment.
Undies Sundays Entire Month of September
Underwear is the most under-donated, yet most needed, item of clothing. No one should be deprived of the simple daily necessity of clean underwear that many of us take for granted. Hygiene and physical comfort are only a part of this basic human need. Sponsored by Catholic Charities, our Parish will collect new underwear, t-shirts and socks for men (small, medium and large) during the entire month of September to donate to those who are homeless, living in shelters or who are on a low income. Your donations may be dropped in any of the Undies Sundays containers found in the vestibule area of the church.
Prayer Intentions
We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for those in our community who are ill, suffering or in need, in particular for: Kevin Noonan, Becky Kirchner, Jim Oneill, Luke Fossell, Pat and Horace Davis, Cheryl Carter, June Bearden, Kathy Olson, Jennifer Frank, Kathy Grave, Stephen Thorne, Alan Arsenault, Ellie Wargo, Antionette Davis, Patricia Edmonds, Brian Johnson, Ruth Donahue, Chester Zondlewski, Robert Kirchner, Logan Savoie, Donna Lybrand, Patricia Clisham, Karen Clisham, Emilian, Carlos, Charles, Michel, Fernando, Nicole Spensley, Woylan Robinson, Whitney Medlock, Ines Ramis, Jean Kiblin, Martha Grosse, Nettie Taylor, Richard Nolasco, David Pasulka, Silvia Richard, and Josh Jernigan.
A time-honored practice of the Christian faithful is to walk with another, to seek God and grow in ability to hear his voice. If you desire to grow your relationship with him, prayerfully consider spiritual direction.
Joan Patrick, a parishioner of Corpus Christi, offers Spiritual Direction at the Parish. There is no charge for this service. To make an appointment, please click the button below.
Thank you for your generous offerings to Corpus Christi in the past two months. It is only with your help that we can achieve our mission to celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples and bring Christ to people.
August 28 $19,074.85
August 21 $14,730.80
August 14 $15,285.70
August 7 $15,584.70
July 31 $18,373.39
July 24 $13,308.70
Corpus Christi Women's Group September 14 | 6:00 PM
CCCW's monthly meeting will take place in the Old Church building on Wednesday, September 14, at 6:00 p.m. Members are encouraged to bring a non-perishable item to donate to the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry. If you are interested in joining the Corpus Christi Women's Group, please tab the button below.
Please join us this Saturday as we celebrate First Saturday Devotion with the Holy Mass at 8:30 a.m. followed by a Holy Rosary service and the opportunity for sacramental confession.
Golf Tournament October 17
Corpus Christi is hosting the 9th Annual Golf Outing to be held at The Country Club of Lexington on Monday, October 17. All proceeds will benefit the Corpus Christi Catholic Church Assistance Ministry. For further information, please click the button below.
Intentions Remembered Every Week Wednesdays | 12:00 PM
For those who would like to have their intentions remembered without waiting extended periods of time, the Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Mass is offered for all "Wednesday Intentions" requested that week. Intentions are to be submitted by 11:50 each Wednesday as they will be announced prior to Mass that same day.
All gifts are donated to our Assistance Ministry in order to help our neighbors in need. To submit a "Wednesday Intention," please tab the button below.
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Are you baptized but have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation? If so, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the place to be. The RCIA journey is comprised of four phases - with each phase focused on coming to know the Lord more deeply. The person seeking to join the Church is introduced to beliefs, life, liturgy and ministry in the Catholic community. For more information, please click the button below.
High School Youth Groups Every Sunday | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
All high school students are invited to participate in our weekly Youth Group program. Every Sunday after the 5:00 p.m. Mass, high school youth will gather with Dana Crumpton and Carmen Wilson in the Youth Ministry building until 7:30 p.m. We ask all parents to encourage their high school aged children to participate in this wonderful Ministry that is drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith. Please click the button below to register and/or ask any questions you may have regarding the Youth Groups.
Every month, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention. Let us join him with millions of other people worldwide in praying for his monthly intention.
ABOLITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY Let us pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.
Star Council Award Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council 11325 has received the distinction of Star Council, the international organization’s top award for local councils. The Star Council Award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of membership, promotion of fraternal insurance benefits, sponsorship of faith formation programs and service-oriented activities. Congratulations!
For information on joining the Knights of Columbus, please click the button below.
Please take time to become an online giver. It is safe, secure and easy. You can setup a weekly or monthly recurring payment, or make a one-time contribution. Your continued support of Corpus Christi is urgently needed and gratefully received during these difficult times. To become an online giver, please click on the OSV Online Giving logo below.