Current Safety Guidelines Combating COVID-19 will require an effort from the entire Parish community, and everyone will be expected to do their part to maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment in which all members of the Corpus Christi family can pray, learn and play. We will continue to update this information as changes occur.
Procedures during Drop-Off and Pick-up Times Corpus Christi is doing everything we can to facilitate physical distancing during drop-off and pick-up times. To reduce the congregation of people in the hallways and lobbies of Parish facilities, each grade level (classroom) will have a designated, exclusive doorway to enter and exit the building. These doors will be clearly marked with each grade level.
Parents, please drop-off and pick-up your child in front of his/her assigned doorway to allow for a safe and smooth transition into and out of the building. For parents with students in multiple grades, please drop-off and pick-up the youngest child first. Students 5th grade and older will be released in an organized manner once class ends. Students 4th grade and under will remain inside their designated door until their family members arrive to pick them up.
Face Coverings Students, catechists and administrators will be required to wear masks that cover both their nose and mouth while inside any Corpus Christi facility.
Physical Distancing Each participant enrolled in a Religious Education or Faith Formation program will be seated in a manner that provides at least three (3) feet distance between students.
Isolation and Quarantine Parents will be asked to promptly inform us if their child tests positive for the COVID-19 virus. Upon notification from the respective parent, the Parish Office will contact the parents of the children who were potentially exposed to the (positive test result) student. This notification will be done via telephone to confirm notification.
As to quarantine, our bi-weekly class schedule (students attend class every other Sunday) will allow for sufficient time of quarantine for all students involved.
The student with a positive test result will need to provide documentation of a negative test result to the Director of Faith Formation, Scott Kramer, prior to their admittance back into the classroom.