Corpus Christi Catholic Church Bible Study is please to invite you to examine the fourth letter that Paul wrote to the Christian community in Corinth - only two letters survive. Paul's relationship with the Corinthian Christians is in crisis and he hopes to mend it with this letter.
We will come to know the forceful but loving character of Paul, one of the best figures in the early Church. No other letter from Paul is so revealing of Paul's personality. Paul likens the ministry of Apostles as that of being ambassadors of God whose message is one of reconciliation. Arguing from his own experience of discipleship and ministry, Paul continues to promote unity in a divided and confused Corinth by reflecting on his own weaknesses as an opportunity to find strength in Christ. He calls the Corinthians to generosity in care for the poor who live outside their own community.
The seven-week program is commencing in October. Details of the precise dates will be communicated by the Parish Office very soon. As usual, we will meet in the Parish Hall building on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., with repeated sessions taking place on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
If you are interested and have not purchased the study guide yet, please fill out the Registration Form below. The cost for the seven-week 2 Corinthians study guide is $30.00 per person, which includes the study sets and DVD video for each session, as well as miscellaneous costs.