Session TWO: Forgiveness and Healing
Opening Prayer
God Loves Healthy Relationships
God loves healthy relationships. Forgiveness is essential to healthy relationships. Two of the most important life lessons are how to forgive and how to be forgiven. These two lessons are part of the Our Father prayer. We pray, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” We are saying sorry to God for any wrong we have done and asking him to give us the grace to forgive anyone who has wronged us.
Video on Forgiveness
What is a Sacrament?
A Sacrament is a celebration of God’s love for humanity. Through the Sacraments God fills us with the grace we need to become the-best-version-of-ourselves, grow in virtue, and live holy lives.
Video on What Is A Sacrament?
What is Reconciliation?
Video on Reconciliation
From the Bible: OUR FATHER
You are so blessed. You are the son or daughter of a great King. Jesus wanted us to always remember that God is our Father and that we are children of God.
I am blessed. I am the daughter/son of a great King. He is my Father and my God. The world may praise me or criticize me. It matters not. He is with me, always at my side, guiding and protecting me. I do not fear because I am His.
You are so blessed. You are the son or daughter of a great King. Jesus wanted us to always remember that God is our Father and that we are children of God.
I am blessed. I am the daughter/son of a great King. He is my Father and my God. The world may praise me or criticize me. It matters not. He is with me, always at my side, guiding and protecting me. I do not fear because I am His.
Jesus: The Good Shepard
The shepherd carefully removed the sheep’s foot from the wire, then picked the sheep up in his arms and carried it all the way home. He was filled with joy that he had found the lost sheep, and he rejoiced. The shepherd was a very good shepherd. He loved his sheep, and his sheep loved him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are his sheep. He wants to take care of us. He doesn’t want any of us to get lost, but if we do he comes searching for us to save us and bring us home. Jesus wants to lead us to the home that God the Father has prepared for us in heaven.