As many of you know, here at Corpus Christi parish we strive to always be evolving to serve and meet the various needs of our Parish community. A byproduct of our ever-growing parish is that as we continue to flourish, the needs of the community grow as well, and this is where we are asking help from you.
We at Corpus Christi truly value each and every parishioner, and we believe that you all have a special skillset of talents that, when put together, can help create a lasting and fulfilling Parish life.
Coming this September, we are looking to install new Parish ministries, all of which will require leaders and volunteers to function effectively. Each new ministry listed below will need a ministry leader (one per group), and volunteers (those who wish to offer their assistance to the ministries).
The success of these new ministries is dependent on not just a select few, but rather from the help of our Parish family as a whole. And so, if any of the following sounds intriguing to you, we ask that you highly consider signing up for one of these positions.
Thank you in advanced for your time, talent and treasure. “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25