1 RELIGIOUS ED AND SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION All Religious Ed classes, as well as all Sacramental Preparation programs such as First Holy Communion, Confirmation and RCIA will return to in-person instruction. We ask all families to please register at the earliest convenience. We will communicate more information by the end of this week.
2 CRISIS IN AFGHANISTAN Please click the button below to read a letter from Bishop Robert Guglielmone about the situation in Afghanistan. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement joining the Holy Father in praying for peace in Afghanistan.
3 DISASTER RELIEF In the past few weeks we have seen the following disasters: (i) the Dixie Fire in California has scorched over 740,000 acres and is still traveling over 8 miles a day, (ii) a 7.2 magnitude earthquake has contributed to the turmoil in Haiti, (iii) floods that killed at least 20 people in Tennessee arrived with surprising speed and force, and now (iv) Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana and the Gulf Coast as a powerful Category 4 storm. We expect our call to serve to become greater and louder over the coming days. The Knights of Columbus are quickly responding to serve the needs of those hardest hit by these disasters, bringing immediate aid and comfort to those people affected. Please make a gift today by clicking the button below. Your gift ensures the Knights have the resources necessary to serve their communities as 100% of your commitment will go directly to those in need. Let us pray as a community in faith for those suffering and recovering from these disasters.
4 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUPS All middle and high school students are invited to participate in our weekly Youth Group programs. Every Sunday after the 5:00 p.m. Mass, middle school youth will meet with Michaelann Large and John Conway while the high school youth will gather with Dana Crumpton and Carmen Wilson in the Youth Ministry building until 7:30 p.m. We ask all parents to encourage their middle and high school aged children to participate in this wonderful Ministry that is drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith. Please click the button(s) below to register and/or ask any questions you may have regarding the Youth Groups.
5 RCIA Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Are you baptized but have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation? If so, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the place to be. The RCIA journey is comprised of four phases - with each phase focused on coming to know the Lord more deeply. The person seeking to join the Church is introduced to beliefs, life, liturgy and ministry in the Catholic community. For more information, please click the button below.
6 THE BLAINE AMENDMENT The Diocese of Charleston and the association of South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) has filed a federal lawsuit against the State to remove the Blaine Amendment from the state constitution. The removal of this amendment will provide appropriate emergency relief funding for private and religious schools across South Carolina. The Blaine Amendment unconstitutionally denies students equal access and opportunities to thrive. It fundamentally denies private schools the financial support to succeed based on bigotry. To read key information about the federal lawsuit, please click below. We encourage you to learn more about this important suit, and how abolishing this amendment helps all students in our state. This is an important time in history as the Church is the first institution to ever sue a state over the Blaine Amendment. We ask for your continued prayers for the remainder of the legal proceedings.
Please join us this Saturday as we celebrate First Saturday Devotion with the Holy Mass at 8:30 a.m. followed by a Holy Rosary service and the opportunity for sacramental confession.
8 FAMILIES WITH CHRIST To all participants who completed or are about to complete the Families With Christi program, Corpus Christi is much obliged for your hard work and dedication to your domestic churches, as well as for your continuous prayers, support and love. All the modules and resources for all 26 sessions are published on the Parish website.
9 OFFERTORY We thank you for your continued financial support in helping Corpus Christi share the Gospel message in innumerable ways. Donations like yours make a big difference, and, for this, we are eternally grateful.
For the week of August 29, contributions totaled $13,904 (online donations totaled $3,472; donations dropped in the basket, mailed and dropped through the mail slot totaled $10,432).
For the week of August 22, contributions totaled $13,425 (online donations totaled $4,434; donations dropped in the basket, mailed and dropped through the mail slot totaled $8,991).
For the week of August 15, contributions totaled $19,765 (online donations totaled $3,840; donations dropped in the basket, mailed and dropped through the mail slot totaled $15,925).
10 66 FAMILIES, 205 INDIVIDUALS AND $12,066 Corpus Christi wants to thank all of you who donated to the Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry during the months of June and July, as well as all the volunteers who donated their precious time to manage and assist the Ministry. Your donations, food and financial, have helped to fill our Parish pantry and allowed us to serve our neighbors in need. During the months of June and July, thanks to your generosity, we have been able to provide non-perishable supplies to 66 families and 205 individuals, as well as to assist families with their utility bills and rental expenses in the total amount of $12,065.81. We are truly grateful for all your help! For those in need of assistance, the Ministry will continue to open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
11 BLOOD DRIVE The Blood Connection invites you to sign up for the Blood Drive taking place at Corpus Christi this Sunday, September 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the bloodmobile. All guidelines and norms will be implemented to protect the health of our community. Please click below to sign-up for your blood donation.
12 BROADCAST For those who cannot attend Holy Mass because of health concerns, you may worship from home by clicking on "The Holy Mass" button on the homepage of the Corpus Christi website. Utilizing two upgraded cameras for audio and video quality improvement, the Parish will continue to broadcast live the weekend Masses as well as all weekday Masses.
13 THE BOOK CLUB The Book Club discussion group will meet in the Parish Hall building on Tuesday, September 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining our Book Club to discuss various books from a Christian woman's perspective, please sign-up by clicking the button below.
14 CORPUS CHRISTI WOMEN'S GROUP CCCW's monthly virtual meeting will take place in the Parish Hall building on Monday, September 13, at 6:00 p.m. For further information or if you are interested in joining the Corpus Christi Women's Group, please tab the button below.
15 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Last year, Corpus Christi commenced theBereavement Ministry for members and nonmembers of the Parish who have experienced the death of a loved one and need assistance in the healing process. This outreach is facilitated by a trained minister who offers a compassionate, consoling and encouraging presence. The Ministry will begin its next series Grief Share on September 22 at 1:30 p.m. Grief Share is a 13-week internationally acclaimed Christian-based program designed to assist individuals who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. For further information and/or if you have any questions regarding the Ministry, please tab the button below.
16 3rd ANNUAL MASS REMEMBRANCE One of the deepest pains a parent can experience is the tragic loss of a child. Whatever the reason may be - a miscarriage, induction, being stillborn, an abortion or any early childhood death - we are left with the difficulty of trying to understand the reason why. In addition to the parents, this is also shared by the rest of the family and close friends alike. You are invited to attend Corpus Christi Third Annual Mass of Remembrance on October 2 at 8:30 a.m. For those who have experienced the loss of a child, it is a means to help in the healing process, and for others it is a chance to show both physical and spiritual support. There will be a Holy Rosary service following the Mass and a reception in the Parish Hall building immediately after.
17 MINISTERS ARE NEEDED Corpus Christi is in need of Ministers of the Mass. If you and/or a family member are interested in serving as a lector, Eucharistic minister, sacristan, greeter, usher, or altar server, please click the button below to sign-up as a Minister.
18 GOLF OUTING The Corpus Christi 8th Annual Golf Outing will be held at The Country Club of Lexington on October 18, 2021. All proceeds will benefit the Corpus Christi Catholic Church Assistance Ministry and others like them. To learn more, click on the button below.
19 MASS ATTENDANCE Saturday, August 21, at 5PM = 129 Saturday Spanish at 7PM = 81 Sunday, August 22, at 8AM = 171 Sunday at 11:00 AM = 203 Sunday at 5:00 PM = 182
Saturday, August 28, at 5PM = 120 Saturday Spanish at 7PM = 76 Sunday, August 29, at 8AM = 159 Sunday at 11:00 AM = 187 Sunday at 5:00 PM = 186
20 MASS & CONFESSION For the weekly schedule of Masses and Confessions, please click below.
21 OKTOBERFEST Corpus Christi is hosting the 1st Annual Oktoberfest to be held in our Parish on October 30. The feast will feature live polka music, polka dance classes, German food and desserts, German beer, bingo, contests, activities for the children and much, much more! Stay tuned as we will communicate more information soon. Advanced ticket purchase will be available shortly.
22 SECOND CORINTHIANS Corpus Christi Bible Study is please to invite you to examine the fourth letter that Paul wrote to the Christian community in Corinth (only two letters survive). Paul's relationship with the Corinthian Christians is in crisis and he hopes to mend it with this letter. Bible Study will meet in the Parish Hall building on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., with a repeated session on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
The seven-week program is starting in October. Details of the precise dates will be communicated by the Parish Office very soon. If you are interested and have not purchased the study guide, please tab the button below.
Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet while spending time with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. “At three o’clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I will allow you to enter into My mortal sorrow. In this hour, I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion…” (Saint Faustina's Diary, 1320).
On behalf of the Parish Office, we want to thank all of you for your continuous prayers, support and love. May God’s grace continue to be poured out upon all of us, and may He richly bless us with an even deeper understanding of His love and purposes as we live for Him!