December 23, 2021
No Reservations Required
Ministers of the Mass
All ministers, including lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, ushers, greeters and sacristans, have been scheduled through our web-based program Ministry Scheduler with new assignments for the months of January, February and March. To view the new schedule, please tab the button below.
December 24-25 | December 31-January 1
A special schedule for the Holy Masses on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Solemnity of Mary - Mother of God have been created and posted in the Ministry Scheduler online system. For the special schedule, tab the button below.
Offertory and Online Giving
Please take time to become an online giver. It is safe, secure and easy. You can setup a weekly or monthly recurring payment, or make a one-time contribution. Your continued support of Corpus Christi is urgently needed and gratefully received during these difficult times. To become an online giver, please click on the OSV Online Giving logo below.
Parish Hall | January 2 at 12:00 PM
Corpus Christi’s First Annual Christmas Party will be held in the Parish Hall building on Sunday, January 2, after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Parishioners of all ages are welcome to attend. Delicious catered food and beverages will be provided. If you are interested in attending and/or volunteering at the Corpus Christi Christmas Party, please tab below to complete the brief form(s). We look forward to seeing you there.
If you have never registered as a parishioner, please take time to fill out the Corpus Christi Registration Form through the Parish website by clicking the button below. Also, if you need to update your personal information, take a moment to complete the Family Information form below so we can have all the necessary information regarding you and your family. Corpus Christi keeps parishioners’ information confidential in a secure database.
On January 1, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, our Lady's greatest title. Although New Year's Day is not celebrated by the Church, this day has been observed as a Holy Day of obligation since early times due to this feast - the octave of Christmas. However, since this observance falls on a Saturday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated. (December 25 is always Holy Days of Obligation, no matter on what day of the week they fall.)
Friday Vigil Mass
December 31
5:00 p.m. in English
7:00 p.m. in Spanish
Saturday Mass
January 1
8:00 a.m. in English
11:0 a.m. in English
A plenary indulgence may be gained by reciting or singing the hymn Veno Creator Spiritus on the first day of the year. This hymn is traditionally sung for beginnings of things, calling on the Holy Spirit before endeavoring something new.
Corpus Christi is extremely grateful for the many donors who supported the Christmas Poinsettia Flowers - through the remembrances of loved ones, living and deceased. Together in prayer, let us remember in our daily prayers the faithful community listed below.
Alberta & Bill McCormick, Donald Sluyter, Joseph & Stella Large, Jacobus & Opal Huizer
given by Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Large
Francisco Villagomez, Martin Martinez, Lucia Lopez, Nicolas Martinez
given by Mr. & Mrs. Trinidad Martinez
Clarence & Josephine Benson
given by Harold & Mary Jane Murphy
Olivia Shelly, Ed & Gloria Shelly, John & Jeannine Reed
given by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shelly
Helen T. Smith
given by Mr. Edward Smith
John and Doroth Olsen, Ed & Jacqueline Bigbie
given by Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bigbie
Ms. Cathleen Grave Deperalta
given by Cathleen Grave Deperalta
Ray DeShazo, Joe Gross, Melvin Gross, Ruth Weisenberger
given by Mrs. Carol DeShazo
Ronald J. Franciskovich, Jerilynn Franciskovich, Michael & Virginia Franciskovich, Bernie & Margaret Ruettiger
given by Mr. Kurt Franciskovich
Mrs. Mary Gavin
given by Mary Gavin
Mrs. Marie Guy
given by Marie Guy
Father Frederick Masad, Father Robert Sayer
given by Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hill
Genowefa Kocinski, Jerzy Kocinski
given by Mr. and Mrs. Andrezej Nowakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Potash
given by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Potash
Rohrlack Family
given by Mrs. Susan Rohrlack
The Wesolowski Family, The Karas Family, Marie McBride
given by Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wesolowski
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rucker
given by Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rucker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russ
given by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russ
Alberta & Bill McCormick, Donald Sluyter, Joseph & Stella Large, Jacobus & Opal Huizer
given by Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Large
Francisco Villagomez, Martin Martinez, Lucia Lopez, Nicolas Martinez
given by Mr. & Mrs. Trinidad Martinez
Clarence & Josephine Benson
given by Harold & Mary Jane Murphy
Olivia Shelly, Ed & Gloria Shelly, John & Jeannine Reed
given by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shelly
Helen T. Smith
given by Mr. Edward Smith
John and Doroth Olsen, Ed & Jacqueline Bigbie
given by Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bigbie
Ms. Cathleen Grave Deperalta
given by Cathleen Grave Deperalta
Ray DeShazo, Joe Gross, Melvin Gross, Ruth Weisenberger
given by Mrs. Carol DeShazo
Ronald J. Franciskovich, Jerilynn Franciskovich, Michael & Virginia Franciskovich, Bernie & Margaret Ruettiger
given by Mr. Kurt Franciskovich
Mrs. Mary Gavin
given by Mary Gavin
Mrs. Marie Guy
given by Marie Guy
Father Frederick Masad, Father Robert Sayer
given by Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hill
Genowefa Kocinski, Jerzy Kocinski
given by Mr. and Mrs. Andrezej Nowakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Potash
given by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Potash
Rohrlack Family
given by Mrs. Susan Rohrlack
The Wesolowski Family, The Karas Family, Marie McBride
given by Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wesolowski
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rucker
given by Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rucker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russ
given by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russ