1. Father Mike 2. Thursday Mass 3. Last Rites 4. Receive Communion Outside 5. Frances “Fran” Clinton 6. Dorothy Boltz Funeral Mass 7. First Communion: 4th to 8th Graders 8. Religious Education 2020-21 9. Parish Website in Spanish 10. Golf Tournament 11. In Need of Ministers 12. Fruits of the Holy Spirit 13. Pass The Word 14. First Communicants
1 FATHER MIKE Our pastor, Father Joseph, is in vacation for the rest of the month of July. Until his return, Father Mike will continue to celebrate the weekday and weekend Masses as scheduled, as well as to listen to Confessions after the Daily Mass and on Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. For the schedule: www.corpuschristisc.org/mass--confession-times
2 THURSDAY MASS Until Father Joseph’s return, Father Mike will celebrate the Daily Mass on Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
3 LAST RITES Father Mike will continue celebrating the Sacrament for the Anointing of the Sick / Last Rites for parishioners in danger of death. For the final sacraments, please contact the Parish Office at the telephone number (803) 359-4391.
4 RECEIVE COMMUNION OUTSIDE FROM 12PM TO 1PM ON SUNDAYS If you cannot attend a public Mass, we are encouraging everyone to watch the broadcast of the Sunday Mass from home or in the parking lot area, and receive Holy Communion afterwards. Communion will be offered from the side door station of the church - next to the Columbarium and Prayer Garden - by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, with the greatest reverence, after the conclusion of the 11AM Mass until 1PM. Everyone who is watching the Holy Mass from home, if you are in grace, and if possible, please receive Holy Communion on Sunday. We will wait for you outside until 1:00 p.m.
5 FRANCES “FRAN” CLINTON It is with a heavy heart we communicate the passing of our beloved parishioner Fran Clinton, who passed away last Sunday, July 12. We ask for your prayers that the Lord may receive her today in His eternal Kingdom, and provide His divine comfort and strength to Dick, the Clinton family and all who mourn her passing.
6 DOROTHY BOLTZ FUNERAL MASS A public funeral Mass will be offered for the departed soul of our beloved parishioner Dorothy Irene Boltz on Friday, July 17, at 10:00 a.m. If you cannot attend the public funeral service, the Mass will be broadcasted live through the Parish website: www.corpuschristisc.org. May her soul, through God’s mercy, rest in peace.
7 FIRST COMMUNION: 4th to 8th GRADERS All CCD 4th to 8th grade level students who have not received the Sacrament of First Communion will start the eight (8) week online program, assembled by the Parish, tomorrow Friday, July 17. Upon successful completion of the Corpus Christi program, the child will receive the Sacrament during the month of September. Please register your child through the Parish website: www.corpuschristisc.org/teens-first-communion
8 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2020-21 Next week, we will communicate the details of the upcoming Corpus Christi Religious Education program for our children, youth and adults. The Program, assembled for all family members, adults as well as children, integrates daily life with faith, involving the whole family in congregational life and learning, building up the faith of the family. The platform of the Program will teach, model and demonstrate individual as well as family faith practices, building the confidence and ability of parents to share faith and values with their children by providing parent education, resources, support and encouragement. One of the objectives is for our children and teens to become lifelong Catholics and active members of the Church - by involving the whole family in the life of the Church. More information will be communicated to the congregation next week.
9 PARISH WEBSITE IN SPANISH The Parish website will be available in Spanish on Tuesday, July 21.
10 GOLF TOURNAMENT Corpus Christi is hosting the 7th Annual Golf Outing to be held at The Country Club of Lexington on October 19, 2020. All proceeds will benefit the Corpus Christi Catholic Church Assistance Ministry. For further information: www.corpuschristisc.org/golf
11 IN NEED OF MINISTERS Our Parish is in great need of young adults to serve as Ministers of the Holy Mass. Please sign up: www.corpuschristisc.org/volunteer-team
12 FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The Parish Connect Ministry is presenting the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, a weekly series of short films presented by Toni Morrison - meditating on each of the twelve (12) fruits of the Holy Spirit: www.corpuschristisc.org/connect
13 PASS THE WORD We need your assistance in passing the word to those who do not receive any communication from Corpus Christi – that on the homepage of the Parish website, under SIGN UP FOR PARISH UPDATES, they can subscribe to receive updates related to the Parish via e-mail and/or text message: www.corpuschristisc.org/subscribe
14 FIRST COMMUNICANTS The Parish community congratulates our 14 communicants who received their First Holy Communion from June 23 to July 1. Let’s pray that this will be the beginning of their lifelong journey of receiving Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament & going forth to share His love with everyone they meet: https://www.facebook.com/CorpusChristisc/posts/884765555347688